学校 学校英文 国家 教育部认证 综合排名 QS THE USN ARWU CWUR WRWU TOP 学位 专业 专业英文 学费(人民币) 学费 货币
奥克兰大学 The University of Auckland 新西兰 认证 46 87 137 118 262 153 10-100 EDU_TYPE_1 培生英语考试预备课程 通用英语 学术英语 学术英语基础证书 雅思考试顸备课程 Academic English (AE) Foundation Certificate in English for Academic Purposes General English IELTS preparation Couses PTE Preparation Course
奥克兰大学 The University of Auckland 新西兰 认证 46 87 137 118 262 153 10-100 研究生证书/文凭 产科学与妇科医学研究生深造文凭 地热能技术研究生深造证书 儿科学文凭 法学(研究生文凭) 法学研究生深造证书 法学研究生证书 法医学研究生深造文凭 翻译学研究生深造文凭 工程学研究生深造文凭·工程科学 工程学研究生深造文凭·食品加工工程 工程学研究生深造文凭・化学与材料工程 工程学研究生深造文凭-电气与电子工程 工程学研究生深造文凭-环境工程学 工程学研究生深造文凭-机电一体化工程 工程学研究生深造文凭-机械工程 工程学研究生深造文凭-计算机系统工程 工程学研究生深造文凭-交通运输 工程学研究生深造文凭-软件工程 工程学研究生深造文凭-施工管理 工程学研究生深造文凭-土木工程 工程学研究生深造证书 工程学研究生深造证书·塑料 公共卫生学研究生深造文凭 公共卫生学研究生深造文凭-毛利健康 建筑学研究生深造文凭 健康科学研究生深造文凭-超声学 健康科学研究生深造文凭-磁共振成像 健康科学研究生深造文凭-儿童和青少年心理健康 健康科学研究生深造文凭-高级护理 健康科学研究生深造文凭-健康促进 健康科学研究生深造文凭-健康科学 健康科学研究生深造文凭-酒精与毒品研究 健康科学研究生深造文凭-临终关怀 健康科学研究生深造文凭-青少年健康 健康科学研究生深造文凭-群体心理健康 健康科学研究生深造文凭-太平洋健康 健康科学研究生深造文凭-心理健康护理 健康科学研究生深造文凭-药物科学 健康科学研究生深造文凭-医疗信息学 健康科学研究生深造文凭-医学成像 健康科学研究生深造证书-儿童和青少年心理健康 健康科学研究生深造证书-妇女健康 健康科学研究生深造证书-高级护理 健康科学研究生深造证书-健康科学 健康科学研究生深造证书-酒精与毒品研究 健康科学研究生深造证书-临终关怀 健康科学研究生深造证书-青少年健康 健康科学研究生深造证书乳房X线照相术 健康科学研究生深造证书-心理健康护理 健康科学研究生深造证书-药物科学 健康科学研究生深造证书-医疗信息学 健康科学研究生深造证书-医学成像 健康科学研究生深造证书-运动医学 健康心理学研究生深造文凭 教学研究生文凭·幼儿敦育 教学研究生文凭初等教育 教学研究生文凭中等教育 教育领导力研究生深造文凭 教育学研究生深造文凭-文化教育 教育学研究生深造文凭-阋读校正 教育学研究生深造证书 教育学研究生文凭 理学研究生深造文凭·临床运动生物学 理学研究生深造文凭·食品科学 理学研究生深造文凭·应用数学 理学研究生深造文凭・化学 理学研究生深造文凭-地理 理学研究生深造文凭地球科学 理学研究生深造文凭地球物理学 理学研究生深造文凭-地质学 理学研究生深造文凭海洋科学 理学研究生深造文凭环境科学 理学研究生深造文凭逻辑学与计算 理学研究生深造文凭-葡莓酒科学 理学研究生深造文凭-生理学 理学研究生深造文凭-生物安全与保护 理学研究生深造文凭-生物技术 理学研究生深造文凭-生物科学 理学研究生深造文凭-视力验光学 理学研究生深造文凭-数学 理学研究生深造文凭统计学 理学研究生深造文凭-物理 理学研究生深造文凭-心理学 理学研究生深造文凭-药理学 理学研究生深造文凭一生物信怠学 理学研究生深造文凭一生物医学 理学研究生深造文凭一演讲学 理学研究生深造文凭一医用统计学 理学研究生深造文凭-运动科学 理学研究生文凭·地理 理学研究生文凭·地球物理学 理学研究生文凭·环境科学 理学研究生文凭·计算机科学 理学研究生文凭·食品科学 理学研究生文凭·药理学 理学研究生文凭·运动科学 理学研究生文凭-地球科学 理学研究生文凭-海洋科学 理学研究生文凭-化学 理学研究生文凭生物科学 理学研究生文凭-食品科学与营养学 理学研究生文凭数学 理学研究生文凭心理学 理学研究生文凭一生理学 理学研究生文凭一统计学 理学研究生文凭一物理 理学研究生文凭应用数学 理学硏究生深造文凭·环境管理 理学硏究生深造文凭·计算机科学 临床教育研究生深造文凭 临床教育硏究生深造证书 临床药学研究生深造文凭 临床药学研究生深造证书 临床药学研究生深造证书-处方 毛利与本土企业研究生深造文凭 轻金属还原技术研究生深造证书 商学深造文凭 商学研究生文凭 商业化与创业研究生深造证书 社会工作研究生深造文凭 社会与社区领导力研究生深造证书 生命科学企业研究生深造文凭 生物医学研究生深造文凭 文学研究生深造文凭-博物馆与文化遗产 文学研究生深造文凭-德语 文学研究生深造文凭-地理 文学研究生深造文凭-发展研究 文学研究生深造文凭-法语 文学研究生深造文凭-犯罪学 文学研究生深造文凭-古代史 文学研究生深造文凭-雇佣关系与组织研究 文学研究生深造文凭-汉语 文学研究生深造文凭-教育学 文学研究生深造文凭-经济学 文学研究生深造文凭-拉丁语 文学研究生深造文凭-历史 文学研究生深造文凭-逻辑学与计算 文学研究生深造文凭-毛利研究 文学研究生深造文凭媒体、电影与电视 文学研究生深造文凭-人类学 文学研究生深造文凭-日语 文学研究生深造文凭-社会学 文学研究生深造文凭-数学 文学研究生深造文凭-太平洋研究 文学研究生深造文凭-统计学 文学研究生深造文凭-西班牙语 文学研究生深造文凭-希腊语 文学研究生深造文凭-戏剧 文学研究生深造文凭-心理学 文学研究生深造文凭-性别研究 文学研究生深造文凭-亚洲研究 文学研究生深造文凭-艺术史 文学研究生深造文凭-意大利语 文学研究生深造文凭-音乐 文学研究生深造文凭-银屏制作 文学研究生深造文凭-英语 文学研究生深造文凭-语言学 文学研究生深造文凭-语言与文学 文学研究生深造文凭-哲学 文学研究生深造文凭-政治与国际关系 文学研究生文凭·德语 文学研究生文凭·韩语 文学研究生文凭·库克岛毛利语 文学研究生文凭-比较文学 文学研究生文凭-博物馆与文化遗产 文学研究生文凭-冲突与恐怖主义研究 文学研究生文凭-创意写作 文学研究生文凭-地理 文学研究生文凭-俄语 文学研究生文凭-发展研究 文学研究生文凭-法语 文学研究生文凭-翻译学 文学研究生文凭-犯罪学 文学研究生文凭-公共卫生社会科学 文学研究生文凭-公共政策 文学研究生文凭-古代史 文学研究生文凭古典研究 文学研究生文凭-雇佣关系与组织研究 文学研究生文凭-国际关系与人权 文学研究生文凭-汉语 文学研究生文凭计算机科学 文学研究生文凭经济学 文学研究生文凭-口译 文学研究生文凭拉丁语 文学研究生文凭-历史 文学研究生文凭-毛利人研究 文学研究生文凭-媒体、电影与电视 文学研究生文凭-民族音乐学 文学研究生文凭-欧洲研究 文学研究生文凭-人类学 文学研究生文凭-日语 文学研究生文凭-萨摩亚语 文学研究生文凭-社会学 文学研究生文凭-数学 文学研究生文凭-数育学 文学研究生文凭-汤加语 文学研究生文凭-土著研究 文学研究生文凭-文科通用 文学研究生文凭-舞蹈 文学研究生文凭-物理学 文学研究生文凭-西班牙语 文学研究生文凭-希腊语 文学研究生文凭-戏剧 文学研究生文凭-心理学 文学研究生文凭-性別研究 文学研究生文凭-学术英语研究 文学研究生文凭-学术英语研究与语言学 文学研究生文凭亚洲研究 文学研究生文凭一传播学 文学研究生文凭一拉丁美洲研究 文学研究生文凭一逻辑学与计算 文学研究生文凭一神学与宗教研究 文学研究生文凭一生物科学 文学研究生文凭一太平洋研究 文学研究生文凭一统计学 文学研究生文凭一音乐 文学研究生文凭一语言教学与学习 文学研究生文凭一语言与文学 文学研究生文凭艺术史 文学研究生文凭-意大利语 文学研究生文凭-银屏制作 文学研究生文凭-应用语言学 文学研究生文凭-英语 文学研究生文凭-英语写作 文学研究生文凭-英语作为外语教学 文学研究生文凭-语言学 文学研究生文凭-哲学 文学研究生文凭-政治与国际关系 舞蹈硏究研究生深造文凭 信息技术(研究生深造证书) 学术实践研究生深造证书 艺术研究生深造文凭 音乐学(研究生文凭) 音乐研究生深造文凭 应用心理学研究生文凭 英语作为外语教学研究生文凭 语言数学研究生深造文凭 运学研究生深造文凭 专业监督研究生深造文凭 专业监督研究生深造证书 咨询理论研究生深造文凭 Diploma in Paediatrics Graduate Certificate in Law Graduate Diploma in Arts- Ancient History Graduate Diploma in Arts- Art Histo Graduate Diploma in Arts- Biological Sciences Graduate Diploma in Arts- Drama Graduate Diploma in Arts- Education Graduate Diploma in Arts- Ethnomusicology Graduate Diploma in Arts- European Studies Graduate Diploma in Arts- French Graduate Diploma in Arts- Indigenous Studies Graduate Diploma in Arts- Interpreting Graduate Diploma in Arts- Language Teaching and Learning Graduate Diploma in Arts- Languages and Literature Graduate Diploma in Arts- Politics and International Relations Graduate Diploma in Arts- Samoan Graduate Diploma in Arts- Screen Production Graduate Diploma in Arts- Social Science for Public Health Graduate Diploma in Arts- Statistics Graduate Diploma in Arts- Theological and Religious Studies Graduate Diploma in Arts-academic English Studie Graduate Diploma in Arts-academic English Studies and Linguistics Graduate Diploma in Arts-anthropology Graduate Diploma in Arts-applied Linguistics Graduate Diploma in Arts-arts General Graduate Diploma in Arts-asian Studies Graduate Diploma in Arts-chinese Graduate Diploma in Arts-classical Studies Graduate Diploma in Arts-communication Graduate Diploma in Arts-comparative Literature Graduate Diploma in Arts-computer Science Graduate Diploma in Arts-conflict and Terrorism Studies Graduate Diploma in Arts-cook Islands Maor Graduate Diploma in Arts-creative Writing Graduate Diploma in Arts-criminology Graduate Diploma in Arts-dance Graduate Diploma in Arts-development Studies Graduate Diploma in Arts-economics Graduate Diploma in Arts-employment Relations and Organisation Studies Graduate Diploma in Arts-enalish Graduate Diploma in Arts-english Writing Graduate Diploma in Arts-gender Studies Graduate Diploma in Arts-geography Graduate Diploma in Arts-german Graduate Diploma in Arts-greek Graduate Diploma in Arts-history Graduate Diploma in Arts-international Relations and Human Rights Graduate Diploma in Arts-italian Graduate Diploma in Arts-japanese Graduate Diploma in Arts-korean Graduate Diploma in Arts-latin Graduate Diploma in Arts-latin American Studies Graduate Diploma in Arts-linguistics Graduate Diploma in Arts-logic and Computation Graduate Diploma in Arts-maori Studie Graduate Diploma in Arts-mathematics Graduate Diploma in Arts-media, Film and Television Graduate Diploma in Arts-museums and Cultural Heritage Graduate Diploma in Arts-music Graduate Diploma in Arts-pacific Studies Graduate Diploma in Arts-philosoph Graduate Diploma in Arts-physics Graduate Diploma in Arts-psychology Graduate Diploma in Arts-public Policy Graduate Diploma in Arts-russian Graduate Diploma in Arts-sociology Graduate Diploma in Arts-spanish Graduate Diploma in ARTS-TESOL Graduate Diploma in Arts-tongan Graduate Diploma in Arts-translation Studies Graduate Diploma in Law Graduate Diploma in Musi Graduate Diploma in Science- Computer Science Graduate Diploma in Science- Earth Sciences Graduate Diploma in Science- Exercise Sciences Graduate Diploma in Science- Food Science Graduate Diploma in Science- Food Science and Nutrition Graduate Diploma in Science- Statistics Graduate Diploma in Science-applied Mathematics Graduate Diploma in Science-biological Sciences Graduate Diploma in Science-chemistry Graduate Diploma in Science-environmental Science Graduate Diploma in Science-geography Graduate Diploma in Science-geophysics Graduate Diploma in Science-marine Science Graduate Diploma in Science-mathematics Graduate Diploma in Science-ph Graduate Diploma in Science-pharmacology Graduate Diploma in Science-physiology Graduate Diploma in Science-psychology Graduate Diploma in Teaching English in Schools to Speakers of Other Languages Graduate Diploma in Teaching- Secondary Graduate Diploma in Teaching-early Childhood Education Graduate Diploma in Teaching-primary Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Education Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Pharmacy Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Pharmacy-prescribing Postgraduate Certificate in Commercialisation and Entrepreneurship Postgraduate Certificate in Education Postgraduate Certificate in Engineering Postgraduate Certificate in Engineering-plastics Postgraduate Certificate in Geothermal Energy Technology Postgraduate Certificate in Health Sciences-advanced Nursing Postgraduate Certificate in Health Sciences-alcohol and Drug Studies Postgraduate Certificate in Health Sciences-child and Adolescent Mental Health Postgraduate Certificate in Health Sciences-health Informatics Postgraduate Certificate in Health Sciences-health Sciences Postgraduate Certificate in Health Sciences-mammography Postgraduate Certificate in Health Sciences-medical Imaging Postgraduate Certificate in Health Sciences-mental Health Nursing Postgraduate Certificate in Health Sciences-palliative Care Postgraduate Certificate in Health Sciences-pharmaceutical Science Postgraduate Certificate in Health Sciences-sports Medicine Postgraduate Certificate in Health Sciences-women's Health Postgraduate Certificate in Health Sciences-youth Health Postgraduate Certificate in Information Technology Postgraduate Certificate in Law Postgraduate Certificate in Light Metals Reduction Technology Postgraduate Certificate in Professional Supervision Postgraduate Certificate in Social and Community Leadership Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Psychology Postgraduate Diploma in Architecture Postgraduate Diploma in Arts- French Postgraduate Diploma in Arts- Italian Postgraduate Diploma in Arts- Latin Postgraduate Diploma in Arts- Maori Studies Postgraduate Diploma in Arts- Mathematics Postgraduate Diploma in Arts- Museums and Cultural Heritage Postgraduate Diploma in Arts- Music Postgraduate Diploma in Arts- Politics and International Relations Postgraduate Diploma in Arts- Psychology Postgraduate Diploma in Arts- Screen Production Postgraduate Diploma in Arts-ancient History Postgraduate Diploma in Arts-anthropology Postgraduate Diploma in Arts-art Histor Postgraduate Diploma in Arts-asian Studies Postgraduate Diploma in Arts-chinese Postgraduate Diploma in Arts-criminology Postgraduate Diploma in Arts-development Studie Postgraduate Diploma in Arts-drama Postgraduate Diploma in Arts-economics Postgraduate Diploma in Arts-education Postgraduate Diploma in Arts-employment Relations and Organisation Studies Postgraduate Diploma in Arts-enalish Postgraduate Diploma in Arts-gender Studies Postgraduate Diploma in Arts-geography Postgraduate Diploma in Arts-german Postgraduate Diploma in Arts-greek Postgraduate Diploma in Arts-history Postgraduate Diploma in Arts-japanese Postgraduate Diploma in Arts-languages and Literature Postgraduate Diploma in Arts-linguistics Postgraduate Diploma in Arts-loaic and Computation Postgraduate Diploma in Arts-media, Film and Television Postgraduate Diploma in Arts-pacific Studies Postgraduate Diploma in Arts-philosophy Postgraduate Diploma in Arts-sociology Postgraduate Diploma in Arts-spanish Postgraduate Diploma in Arts-statistics Postgraduate Diploma in Biomedical Science Postgraduate Diploma in Bioscience Enterprise Postgraduate Diploma in Busines Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Education Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Pharmacy Postgraduate Diploma in Counselling Theo Postgraduate Diploma in Dance Studies Postgraduate Diploma in Education Postgraduate Diploma in Education- Reading Recovery Postgraduate Diploma in Educational Leadership Postgraduate Diploma in Education-literacy Education Postgraduate Diploma in Engineering- Electrical and Electronics Engineering Postgraduate Diploma in Engineering- Mechanical Engineering Postgraduate Diploma in Engineering- Mechatronics Engineering Postgraduate Diploma in Engineering- Transportation Postgraduate Diploma in Engineering-chemical and Materials Engineering Postgraduate Diploma in Engineering-civil engineering Postgraduate Diploma in Engineering-computer Systems Engineering Postgraduate Diploma in Engineering-construction Management Postgraduate Diploma in Engineering-engineering Science Postgraduate Diploma in Engineering-environmental Engineering Postgraduate Diploma in Engineering-food Process Engineering Postgraduate Diploma in Engineering-software Engineering Postgraduate Diploma in Fine Arts Postgraduate Diploma in Forensic Science Postgraduate Diploma in Health Psychology Postgraduate Diploma in Health Sciences- Health Promotion Postgraduate Diploma in Health Sciences- Health Sciences Postgraduate Diploma in Health Sciences- Pacific Health Postgraduate Diploma in Health Sciences- Population Mental Health Postgraduate Diploma in Health Sciences- Ultrasound Postgraduate Diploma in Health Sciences-advanced Nursing Postgraduate Diploma in Health Sciences-alcohol and Drug Studies Postgraduate Diploma in Health Sciences-child and Adolescent Mental Health Postgraduate Diploma in Health Sciences-health Informatics Postgraduate Diploma in Health Sciences-magnetic Resonance Imaging Postgraduate Diploma in Health Sciences-medical Imaging Postgraduate Diploma in Health Sciences-mental Health Nursing Postgraduate Diploma in Health Sciences-palliative Care Postgraduate Diploma in Health Sciences-pharmaceutical Science Postgraduate Diploma in Health Sciences-youth Health Postgraduate Diploma in Language Teaching Postgraduate Diploma in Maori and Indigenous Business Postgraduate Diploma in Music Postgraduate Diploma in Obstetrics and Medical Gynaecology Postgraduate Diploma in Operations Research Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Supervision Postgraduate Diploma in Public Health Postgraduate Diploma in Public Health-maori Health Postgraduate Diploma in Science- Biomedical Science Postgraduate Diploma in Science- Biotechnology Postgraduate Diploma in Science- Chemistry Postgraduate Diploma in Science- Exercise Sciences Postgraduate Diploma in Science- Geography Postgraduate Diploma in Science- Medical Statistics Postgraduate Diploma in Science- Optometry Postgraduate Diploma in Science- Pharmacology Postgraduate Diploma in Science- Physics Postgraduate Diploma in Science- Physiology Postgraduate Diploma in Science- Psychology Postgraduate Diploma in Science- Statistics Postgraduate Diploma in Science-applied Mathematics Postgraduate Diploma in Science-bioinformatics Postgraduate Diploma in Science-biological Sciences Postgraduate Diploma in Science-biosecurity and Conservation Postgraduate Diploma in Science-clinical Exercise Physiology Postgraduate Diploma in Science-computer Science Postgraduate Diploma in Science-earth Sciences Postgraduate Diploma in Science-environmental Manaaement Postgraduate Diploma in Science-environmental Science Postgraduate Diploma in Science-food Science Postgraduate Diploma in Science-geolod Postgraduate Diploma in Science-geophysics Postgraduate Diploma in Science-loaic and Computation Postgraduate Diploma in Science-marine Science Postgraduate Diploma in Science-mathematics Postgraduate Diploma in Science-speech Science Postgraduate Diploma in Science-wine Science Postgraduate Diploma in Social Work Postgraduate Diploma in Translation Studies raduate Diploma in Commerce 18.53 33,688 新加坡元
奥克兰大学 The University of Auckland 新西兰 认证 46 87 137 118 262 153 10-100 预科 高等教育基础证书课程-地理 高等教育基础证书课程-化学 高等教育基础证书课程-理科数学 高等教育基础证书课程文科 高等教育基础证书课程物理 高等教育基础证书课程一历史 高等教育基础证书课程一生物学 高等教育基础证书课程一数学 高等教育基础证书课程-英语 国际学生预备课程项目 教育学基础证书 衔接项目一健康科学证书(毛利语) Bridging programmes-hikitia te ora-certificate in Health Sciences Foundation Certificate Education Foundation Programmes For International Students Tertiary Foundation Certificate Proaramme-physics Tertiary Foundation Certificate Programme- Biology Tertiary Foundation Certificate Programme- Geography Tertiary Foundation Certificate Programme- History Tertiary Foundation Certificate Programme- Mathematics Tertiary Foundation Certificate Programme- Mathematics for the Sciences Tertiary Foundation Certificate Programme-arts General Tertiary Foundation Certificate Programme-chemistry Tertiary Foundation Certificate Programme-english
奥克兰大学 The University of Auckland 新西兰 认证 46 87 137 118 262 153 10-100 证书/专科 语言文凭 语言学证书 专修证书 Certificate in Languages Certificate of Proficiency Diploma in Languages
奥克兰大学 The University of Auckland 新西兰 认证 46 87 137 118 262 153 10-100 本科 博物馆与文化遗产荣詟文学学士 操作与供应链管理荣誉商业学士 操作与供应链管理商业学士 城市规划学士 传播学文学学士 创新与创业商业学士 德语荣詟文学学士 德语文学学士 地理理学学士 地理荣誉理学学士 地理荣誉文学学士 地理文学学士 地球科学理学学士 地球科学荣誉理学学士 地球物理学理学学士 地球物理学荣誉理学学士 地质学荣誉理学学士 电气与电子工程荣誉工程学士 发展研究荣詟文学学士 法学荣誉学士 法学学士 法语文学荣誉学士 法语文学学士 犯罪学荣誉文学学士 犯罪学文学学士 工程科学荣誉工程学士 古代史荣誉文学学士 古代史文学学士 古典研究文学学士 古希腊语文学学士 雇佣关系与组织研究荣誉文学学士 雇佣关系与组织研究文学学士 管理学商业学士 光子学荣誉理学学士 国际贸易商业学士 海洋科学理学学士 韩语文学学士 汉语荣誉文学学士 汉语文学学士 护理学荣誉学士 护理学学士 护理学学士/理学学士联合学位 化学理学学士 化学荣誉理学学士 化学与材料工程荣誉工程学士 环境科学理学学士 会计荣誉商业学士 会计学商业学士 机电一体化工程荣詟工程学士 机械工程荣誉工程学士 计算机科学理学荣詟学士 计算机科学理学学士 计算机系统工程荣詟工程学士 建筑学学士 健康科学荣誉学士 健康科学学士 健康科学学士/法学学士联合学位 健康科学学士/护理学学士联合学位 健康科学学士/理学学士联合学位 健康科学学士/荣誉法学学士联合学位 健康科学学士-人口健康 教育荣耆学士(教学) 教育学/放学学士·初等教育 教育学/放学学士・幼儿教育 教育学/放学学士-毛利语 教育学荣誉文学学士 教育学文学学士 金融荣誉商业学士 金融商业学士 经济学荣誉商业学士 经济学荣誉文学学士 经济学商业学士 经济学文学学士 拉丁语荣誉文学学士 拉丁语文学学士 理学学士/法学学士联合学位 理学学士/荣誉法学学士联合学位 历史荣誉文学学士 历史文学学士 逻辑学与计算理学学士 逻辑学与计算荣詟理学学士 逻辑学与计算荣詟文学学士 逻辑学与计算文学学士 毛利研究荣詟文学学士 毛利研究文学学士 媒体、电影与电视荣誉文学学士 媒体、电影与电视文学学士 内外全科医学士 欧洲研究文学学士 全球管理与创新荣詟商业学士 全球研究学士 全球研究学士/法学学士联合学位 全球研究学士/理学学士联合学位 全球研究学士/荣誉法学学士联合学位 人类学理学学士 人类学荣誉文学学士 人类学文学学士 日语荣誉文学学士 日语文学学士 荣誉工程学士/法学学士联合学位 荣誉工程学士/理学学士联合学位 荣誉工程学士/全球研究学士联合学位 荣誉工程学士/荣誉法学学士联合学位 荣誉工程学士/音乐学士 荣誉工程学士/资产学学士联合学位 荣誉理学学士 荣誉音乐学士・爵士乐表演 荣誉音乐学士工作室教育学 荣誉音乐学士古典表演 荣誉音乐学士音乐学 荣誉音乐学士-作曲 荣誉资产学学士 软件工程荣誉工程学士 商法荣誉商业学士 商法商业学士 商业学士/法学学士联合学位 商业学士/健康科学学士联合学位 商业学士/理学学士联合学位 商业学士/全球研究学士联合学位 商业学士/荣誉法学学士联合学位 商业学士/荣誉工程学士联合学位 商业学士/音乐学士联合学位 商业学士/资产学学士联合学位 社会工作荣誉学士 社会工作学士 社会科学文学学士-公共卫生 社会学荣誉文学学士 社会学文学学士 神学与宗教研究文学学士 生理学理学学士 生理学荣誉理学学士 生态学理学学士 生物工艺学荣誉理学学士 生物技术理学学士 生物科学理学学士 生物科学荣誉理学学士 生物信息学荣誉理学学士 生物医疗科学荣誉学士 生物医学工程荣誉工程学士 生物医学理学学士 食品科学荣誉理学学士 食品科学与营养学理学学士 市场营销荣詟商业学士 市场营销商业学士 视力验光学学士 数据科学理学学士 数学理学学士 数学荣誉理学学士 数学荣誉文学学士 数学文学学士 税收商业学士 太平洋研究荣誉文学学士 太平洋研究文学学士 统计学理学学士 统计学荣誉文学学士 统计学荣詟理学学士 统计学文学学士 土木与环境工程荣誉工程学士 文学学士/法学学士联合学位 文学学士/健康科学学士联合学位 文学学士/理学学士联合学位 文学学士/全球研究学士联合学位 文学学士/荣誉法学学士联合学位 文学学士/荣誉工程学士联合学位 文学学士/荣誉艺术学士联合学位 文学学士/商业学士联合学位 文学学士/艺术学士联合学位 文学学士/音乐学士联合学位 舞蹈研究荣誉学士 舞蹈研究学士 物理理学学士 物理荣誉理学学士 西班牙语荣誉文学学士 西班牙语文学学士 希腊语荣誉文学学士 戏剧荣誉文学学士 戏剧文学学士 心理学理学学士 心理学荣誉理学学士 心理学荣誉文学学士 心理学文学学士 信息管理商业学士 信息系统理学学士 信息系统荣誉商业学士 性別研究荣詟文学学士 性別研究文学学士 学术英语研究与语言学文学学士 亚洲研究荣詟文学学士 亚洲研究文学学士 药剂学学士 药理学理学学士 药理学荣誉理学学士 医疗化学理学学士 医疗化学荣詟理学学士 医学荣詟学士 医学物理学与影像技术荣誉理学学士 医用统计学荣誉理学学士 艺术荣誉学士 艺术史荣誉文学学士 艺术史文学学士 艺术学士 意大利语荣誉文学学士 意大利语文学学士 音乐荣誉文学学士 音乐文学学士 音乐学士/法学学士联合学位 音乐学士/理学学士联合学位 音乐学士-古典音乐表演 音乐学士-爵士乐表演 音乐学士-流行音乐 音乐学士-音乐学 音乐学士-作曲 应用数学理学学士 应用数学荣誉理学学士 英语荣誉文学学士 英语文学学士 英语作为第二语言教学文学学士 影视制作荣詟文学学士 影视制作文学学士 语言学荣誉文学学士 语言学文学学士 语言与文学荣誉文学学士 运动、健康与体育学士 运动科学理学学士 运动科学荣誉理学学士 哲学荣誉文学学士 哲学文学学士 政治与国际关系荣誉文学学士 政治与国际关系文学学士 资产学学士 资产学学士/法学学士联合学位 资产学学士/理学学士联合学位 资产学学士/荣誉法学学士联合学位 achelor of Arts(Honours)(BA(Hons))-greek Bachelor of Architectural Studies Bachelor of Arts ( Honours)(BA(Hons))-psychology Bachelor of Arts (BA)- Media, Film and Television Bachelor of Arts (BA)- Politics and International Relations Bachelor of Arts (BA)- Screen Production Bachelor of Arts (BA)- Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Bachelor of Arts (BA)-academic English Studies and Linguistics Bachelor of Arts (BA)-classical Studies Bachelor of Arts (BA)-criminology Bachelor of Arts (BA)-education Bachelor of Arts (BA)-european Studies Bachelor of Arts (BA)-history Bachelor of Arts (BA)-japanese Bachelor of Arts (BA)-LOGIC and Computation Bachelor of Arts (BA)-psychology Bachelor of Arts (BA)-social Science for Public Health Bachelor of Arts (BA)-spanish Bachelor of Arts (BA)-statistics Bachelor of Arts (Honours)(BA(Hons))-chinese Bachelor of Arts (Honours)(BA(Hons))-gender Studies Bachelor of Arts (Honours)(BA(Hons))-media, Film and Television Bachelor of Arts (Honours)(BA(Hons))-music Bachelor of Arts Honours)(BA(Hons))-logic and Computation Bachelor of Arts( Honours)(BA( Hons))-sociology Bachelor of Arts( Honours)(BA(Hon Development Studies Bachelor of Arts( Honours)(BA(Hons))- Ancient History Bachelor of Arts( Honours)(BA(Hons))-anthropology Bachelor of Arts( Honours)(BA(Hons))-art History Bachelor of Arts( Honours)(BA(Hons))-asian Studies Bachelor of Arts( Honours)(BA(Hons))-economics Bachelor of Arts( Honours)(BA(Hons))-education Bachelor of Arts( Honours)(BA(Hons))-history Bachelor of Arts( Honours)(BA(Hons))-languages and Literature Bachelor of Arts( Honours)(BA(Hons))-linguistics Bachelor of Arts( Honours)(BA(Hons))-philosophy Bachelor of Arts(BA)- Communication Bachelor of Arts(BA)- Drama Bachelor of Arts(BA)- Economics Bachelor of Arts(BA)- Italian Bachelor of Arts(BA)- Latin Bachelor of Arts(BA)- Mathematics Bachelor of Arts(BA)- Music Bachelor of Arts(BA)- Theological and Religious Studies Bachelor of Arts(BA)-ancient History Bachelor of Arts(BA)-anthropology Bachelor of Arts(BA)-ART History Bachelor of Arts(BA)-ASIAN Studies Bachelor of Arts(BA)-chinese Bachelor of Arts(BA)-employment Relations and Organisation Studies Bachelor of Arts(BA)-french Bachelor of Arts(BA)-gender Studies Bachelor of Arts(BA)-german Bachelor of Arts(BA)-greek (Ancient Bachelor of Arts(BA)-korean Bachelor of Arts(BA)-linguistics Bachelor of Arts(BA)-maori Studies Bachelor of Arts(BA)-pacific Studies Bachelor of Arts(BA)-philosophy Bachelor of Arts(BA)-sociology Bachelor of Arts(Honours)(BA( Hons))- Museums and Cultural Heritage Bachelor of Arts(Honours)(BA(Hons)- German Bachelor of Arts(Honours)(BA(Hons)- Italian Bachelor of Arts(Honours)(BA(Hons)- Mathematics Bachelor of Arts(Honours)(BA(Hons))- French Bachelor of Arts(Honours)(BA(Hons))- Latin Bachelor of Arts(Honours)(BA(Hons))- Maori Studies Bachelor of Arts(Honours)(BA(Hons))- Pacific Studies Bachelor of Arts(Honours)(BA(Hons))- Politics and International Relations Bachelor of Arts(Honours)(BA(Hons))- Spanish Bachelor of Arts(Honours)(BA(Hons))-criminology Bachelor of Arts(Honours)(BA(Hons))-drama Bachelor of Arts(Honours)(BA(Hons))-employment Relations and Organisation Studies Bachelor of Arts(Honours)(BA(Hons))-english Bachelor of Arts(Honours)(BA(Hons))-geography Bachelor of Arts(Honours)(BA(Hons))-japanese Bachelor of Arts(Honours)(BA(Hons))-screen Production Bachelor of Arts(Honours)(BA(Hons))-statistics Bachelor of Arts/ Bachelor of Commerce Conjoint Bachelor of Arts/ Bachelor of Engineering( Honours)Conjoint Bachelor of Arts/ Bachelor of Fine Arts Conjoint Bachelor of Arts/ Bachelor of Fine Arts( Honours)Conjoint Bachelor of Arts/ Bachelor of Health Sciences Conjoint Bachelor of Arts/ Bachelor of Laws Conjoint Bachelor of Arts/ Bachelor of Laws(Honours)Conjoint Bachelor of Arts/ Bachelor of Music Conjoint Bachelor of Arts/ Bachelor of Science Conjoint Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Global Studies Conjoint Bachelor of Biomedical Science(Honours) Bachelor of Commerce (Bcom)- Innovation and Entrepreneurship Bachelor of Commerce (Bcom)- Marketing Bachelor of Commerce (Honours)(Bcom(Hons))-commercial Law Bachelor of Commerce( Honours)(Bcom( Hons))-operations and Supply Chain Management Bachelor of Commerce( Honours)(Bcom(Hons))-information Systems Bachelor of Commerce( Honours)(Bcom(Hons))-marketing Bachelor of Commerce(Bcom)- Commercial Law Bachelor of Commerce(Bcom)- Economics Bachelor of Commerce(Bcom)- Finance Bachelor of Commerce(Bcom)- Information Management Bachelor of Commerce(Bcom)- International Business Bachelor of Commerce(Bcom)- International Trade Bachelor of Commerce(Bcom)- Management Bachelor of Commerce(Bcom)- Taxation Bachelor of Commerce(Bcom)-accounting Bachelor of Commerce(Bcom)-operations and Supply Chain Management Bachelor of Commerce(Honours)( Bcom( Hons))-global Management Innovation Bachelor of Commerce(Honours)(Bcom(Hons))-economics Bachelor of Commerce(Honours)(Bcom(Hons))-finance Bachelor of Commerce(Honours)(Bcom(Hons)-accounting Bachelor of Commerce/ Bachelor of Engineering(Honours)Conjoint Bachelor of Commerce/ Bachelor of Global Studies Conjoint Bachelor of Commerce/ Bachelor of Health Sciences Conjoint Bachelor of Commerce/ Bachelor of Laws Conjoint Bachelor of Commerce/ Bachelor of Laws( Honours)Conjoint Bachelor of Commerce/ Bachelor of Music Conjoint Bachelor of Commerce/ Bachelor of Property Conjoint Bachelor of Commerce/ Bachelor of Science Conjoint Bachelor of Dance Studies(Bdancest Bachelor of Dance Studies(Honours) Bachelor of Education (Teaching)( Honours) Bachelor of Education (Teaching)(Bed (Tchg))-early Childhood Education Bachelor of Education (Teaching)(Bed (Tchg))-primary Bachelor of Education (Teaching)(Bed (Tchg)-huarahi Maori Bachelor of Engineering ( Honours)-mechanical Engineering Bachelor of Engineering Honours)/ Bachelor of Property Conjoint Bachelor of Engineering Honours)-chemical and Materials Engineering Bachelor of Engineering( Honours)/ Bachelor of Laws Conjoint Bachelor of Engineering( Honours)/ Bachelor of Music Bachelor of Engineering( Honours)/ Bachelor of Science Conjoint Bachelor of Engineering( Honours)/Bachelor of Global Studies Conjoint Bachelor of Engineering( Honours)/Bachelor of Laws(Honours)Conjoint Bachelor of Engineering( Honours)-civil and Environmental Engineering Bachelor of Engineering( Honours)-computer Systems Engineering Bachelor of Engineering( Honours)-electrical and Electronic Engineering Bachelor of Engineering( Honours)-mechatronics Engineering Bachelor of Engineering( Honours)-software Engineering Bachelor of Engineering(Honours)-biomedical Engineering Bachelor of Engineering(Honours)-engineering Science Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) Bachelor of Fine Arts(Honours) Bachelor of Global Studies Bachelor of Global Studies/ Bachelor of Laws ( Honours)Conjoint Bachelor of Global Studies/ Bachelor of Laws Conjoint Bachelor of Global Studies/ Bachelor of Science Conjoint Bachelor of Health Sciences (BHSC Bachelor of Health Sciences- Population Health Bachelor of Health Sciences( Honours Bachelor of Health Sciences/ Bachelor of Laws Conjoint Bachelor of Health Sciences/ Bachelor of Laws(Honours)Conjoint Bachelor of Health Sciences/ Bachelor of Nursing Conjoint Bachelor of Health Sciences/ Bachelor of Science Conjoint Bachelor of Laws Bachelor of Laws(Honours Bachelor of Medical Science( Honours Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery(MBCHB) Bachelor of Music (Bmus)- Musicology Bachelor of Music (BMUS)-classical Performance Bachelor of Music Bachelor of Laws Conjoint Bachelor of Music Honours)(Bmus(Hons))- Musicology Bachelor of Music( Honours)(Bmus(Hons))-jazz Performance Bachelor of Music( Honours)(Bmus(Hons))-studio Pedagogy Bachelor of Music(Bmus)- Composition Bachelor of Music(BMUS)- Jazz Performance Bachelor of Music(Bmus)- Popular Music Bachelor of Music(Honours)(BMUS( Hons))-composition Bachelor of Music(Honours)(BMUS(Hons))-classical Performance Bachelor of Music/ Bachelor of Science Conjoint Bachelor of Nursing Bachelor of Nursing(Honours) Bachelor of Nursing/ Bachelor of Science Conjoint Bachelor of Optometry(Boptom Bachelor of Pharmacy(Bpharm Bachelor of Property( Honours) Bachelor of Property(Bprop) Bachelor of Property/ Bachelor of Science Conjoint Bachelor of Property/Bachelor of Laws Conjoint Bachelor of Property/Bachelor of Laws(Honours)Conjoint Bachelor of Science ( Honours)(Bsc(Hons))-biological Sciences Bachelor of Science (BSC)- Physics Bachelor of Science (BSC)-biological Sciences Bachelor of Science (BSC)-biomedical Science Bachelor of Science (BSC)-food Science and Nutrition Bachelor of Science (BSC)-geophysi Bachelor of Science (BSC)-marine Science Bachelor of Science (BSC)-physiology Bachelor of Science (Honours)(Bsc(Hons)-medical Physics and Image Technology Bachelor of Science( Honours)(BSC( Hons))-medicinal Chemistry Bachelor of Science( Honours)(BSC(Hon tatistics Bachelor of Science( Honours)(Bsc(Hons))-physics Bachelor of Science( Honours)(BSC(Hons))-psychology Bachelor of Science( Honours)(Bsc(Hons)-bioinformatics Bachelor of Science(BSC)- Ecology Bachelor of Science(BSC)- Mathematics Bachelor of Science(BSC)-anthropological Science Bachelor of Science(BSC)-applied Mathematics Bachelor of Science(BSC)-biotechnology Bachelor of Science(BSC)-chemistry Bachelor of Science(BSC)-computer Science Bachelor of Science(BSC)-data Science Bachelor of Science(BSC)-earth Science Bachelor of Science(BSC)-environmental Science Bachelor of Science(BSC)-exercise Sciences Bachelor of Science(BSC)-geography Bachelor of Science(BSC)-information Systems Bachelor of Science(BSC)-logic and Computation Bachelor of Science(BSC)-medicinal Chemistry Bachelor of Science(BSC)-pharmacology Bachelor of Science(BSC)-psychology Bachelor of Science(BSC)-statistics Bachelor of Science(Honours Bachelor of Science(Honours)(BSC( Hons))-biotechnology Bachelor of Science(Honours)(BSC( Hons))-food Science Bachelor of Science(Honours)(BSC( Hons))-geography Bachelor of Science(Honours)(BSC(Hons)- Mathematics Bachelor of Science(Honours)(BSC(Hons))- Medical Statistics Bachelor of Science(Honours)(Bsc(Hons))-applied Mathemati Bachelor of Science(Honours)(Bsc(Hons))-chemistry Bachelor of Science(Honours)(BSC(Hons))-computer Science Bachelor of Science(Honours)(BSC(Hons))-earth Sciences Bachelor of Science(Honours)(Bsc(Hons))-exercise Sciences Bachelor of Science(Honours)(Bsc(Hons))-geology Bachelor of Science(Honours)(BSC(Hons))-geophysics Bachelor of Science(Honours)(Bsc(Hons))-pharmacology Bachelor of Science(Honours)(BSC(Hons))-photonics Bachelor of Science(Honours)(Bsc(Hons))-physiology Bachelor of Science(Honours)(BSC(Hons)-logic and Computation Bachelor of Science/ Bachelor of Laws Conjoint Bachelor of Science/ Bachelor of Laws( Honours)Conjoint Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) Bachelor of Social Work (Honours Bachelor of Sport, Health and Physical Education Bachelor of Urban Planning(Burbplan chelor of Arts(BA)-english lor of Arts(BA)-geography 16.41 29,844 新加坡元
奥克兰大学 The University of Auckland 新西兰 认证 46 87 137 118 262 153 10-100 硕士 博物馆与文化遗产文学硕士 操作与供应链管理商业硕士 城市规划硕士 城市规硕士(专业) 城市规硕士(专业)与城市设计 城市规硕士(专业)与遗产保护 城市设计硕士 冲突与恐怖主义研究硕士 创意写作硕士 德语文学硕士 地理学理学硕士 地理学文学硕士 地球科学理学硕士 地球物理学理学硕士 地质学理学硕士 发展研究文学硕士 法律研究硕士・公共法 法律研究硕士・公司法与商法 法律研究硕士・环境法 法律研究硕士・人权法 法律研究硕士・诉讼与争端解决决议 法律研究硕士-国际法 法学硕士・公司法与商法 法学硕士・诉讼与争端解决决议 法医学理学硕士 法语文学硕士 翻译硏究文学硕士 犯罪学文学硕士 工程管理硕士 工程硕士·机械工程 工程硕士-电气与电子工程 工程硕士-工程科学 工程硕士-计算机系统工程 工程硕士软件工程 工程硕士-土木工程硕士 工程研究硕士·工程科学 工程研究硕士·环境工程 工程研究硕士·机械工程 工程研究硕士·计算机系统工程 工程研究硕士·软件工程 工程研究硕士·塑料 工程研究硕士·运输工程学 工程研究硕士・电气与电子工程 工程研究硕士・化学与材料工程 工程研究硕士・机电一体化工程 工程研究硕士・食品加工工程 工程研究硕士・土木工程 工程研究硕士・医疗器械与技术 工程研究硕士施工管理 工程研究硕士岩土工程 公共法法学硕士 公共卫生硕士 公共政策硕士 古代历史文学硕士 雇佣关系与组织研究文学硕士 管理学硕士 国际法法学硕士 国际商务硕士 海洋科学理学硕士 海洋研究硕士 汉语文学硕士 护理实陇硕士 护理学硕士 化学理学硕士 环境法法学硕士 环境管理理学硕士 环境科学理学硕士 会计商业硕士 机电一体化工程工程硕士 计算机科学理学硕士 建筑学硕士 建筑学硕士·可持续设计 建筑学专业硕士 建筑学专业硕士与城市规划(专业) 建筑学专业硕士与城市设计 建筑学专业硕士与文物保护 健康科学硕士 健康科学硕士・营养与飲食 健康领导力硕士・临床质量与安全 健康领导力硕士-国际健康学 健康领导力硕士健康管理 健康实践硕士・人口心理健康 健康实践硕士・太平洋健康 健康实践硕士成瘾研究 健康实践硕士健康促进 健康心理学硕士 教学硕士(初等教育) 教育领导学硕士 教育实践硕士 教育学硕士 教育学文学硕士 金融商业硕士 金融学商业硕士 经济学商业硕士 经济学文学硕士 拉丁语文学硕士 历史文学硕士 临床教育硕士 临床药学硕士 临床运动生理学理学硕士 逻辊与计算理学硕士 逻辊与计算文学硕士 毛利研究文学硕士 媒体、电影与电视文学硕士 美术硕士 能源硕士 能源硕士・化学与材料工程 葡萄酒科学理学硕士 全球管理与创新商业硕士 人类学文学硕士 人力姿源管理硕士 人权法法学硕士 日语文学硕士 商法商业硕士 社会工作硕士 社会工作专业硕士 社会学文学硕士 社会与社区领导力硕士 社区舞蹈硕士 神学理论硕士 生理学理学硕士 生物安全与保护理学硕士 生物工程工程硕士 生物技术理学硕士 生物科学理学硕士 生物科学企业硕士 生物信息学理学硕士 生物医学科学理学硕士 生物医学硕士 食品科学理学硕士 市场营销商业硕士 市场营销硕士 数学理学硕士 数学文学硕士 税务研究硕士 太平洋研究文学硕士 体育与运动科学理学硕士 听力学硕士 统计学理学硕士 统计学文学硕士 土著研究硕士 文学研究硕士·德语 文学研究硕士·发展研究 文学研究硕士·-翻译学 文学研究硕士·数育学 文学研究硕士·英语 文学研究硕士・博物馆与文化遗产 文学研究硕士・地理学 文学研究硕士・古代史 文学研究硕士・雇佣关系与组织研究 文学研究硕士・历史 文学研究硕士・毛利研究 文学研究硕士・媒体、电影与电视 文学研究硕士・人类学 文学研究硕士・日语 文学研究硕士・神学与宗教研究 文学研究硕士・太平洋研究 文学研究硕士・希腊语 文学研究硕士・亚洲研究 文学研究硕士・艺术史 文学研究硕士・音乐 文学研究硕士・语言教学与学习 文学研究硕士・语言学 文学研究硕士・语言与文学 文学研究硕士・政治与国际关系 文学研究硕士法语 文学研究硕士汉语 文学研究硕士经济学 文学研究硕士拉丁语 文学研究硕士-逻辑学与计算 文学研究硕士社会学 文学研究硕士统计学 文学研究硕士-西班牙语 文学研究硕士-戏剧 文学研究硕士一数学 文学研究硕士意大利语 文学研究硕士影视制作 文学研究硕士哲学 舞蹈研究硕士 物理学理学硕士 物业硕士 西班牙语文学硕士 希腊语文学硕士 戏剧文学硕士 项目管理学工程硕士 心理学理学硕士 心理学文学硕士 信息技术硕士 信息系统商业硕士 性別研究文学硕士 亚洲研究文学硕士 言语科学理学硕士 言语语言治疗实践硕士 验光学理学硕士 药理学理学硕士 医用统计学理学硕士 遗产保护硕士 遗产保护硕士・博物馆与文化遗产 艺术史文学硕士 意大利语文学硕士 音乐硕士·表演 音乐硕士·工作室教学 音乐硕士-音乐学 音乐硕士-作曲 音乐文学硕士 应用数学理学硕士 应用语言学文学硕士 英语文学硕士 英语作为其他语言教学硕士 影视制作文学硕士 语言学文学硕士 语言与文学文学硕士 运动科学理学硕士 运学硕士 灾难管理硕士 哲学文学硕士 政治与国际关系文学硕士 专业会计硕士 专业研究硕士・翻译学 专业研究硕士・国际关系与人权 专业研究硕士・学校中文教学 专业研究硕士・育学 专业研究硕士-食品安全 专业研究硕士数据科学 专业研究硕士数学教育 专业研究硕士一数字安全 咨询学硕士 Master of Architecture Master of Architecture (Professional) Master of Architecture (Professional)and Heritage Conservation Master of Architecture- Sustainable Desian Master of Architecture(Professional)and Urban Design Master of Architecture(Professional)and Urban Planning(Professional) Master of Arts- Ancient History Master of Arts- Asian Studies Master of Arts- Development Studies Master of Arts- Economics Master of Arts- Education Master of Arts- French Master of Arts- Greek Master of Arts- Italian Master of Arts- Logic and Computation Master of Arts- Maori Studies Master of Arts- Mathematics Master of Arts- Musi Master of Arts- Pacific Studies Master of Arts- Screen Production Master of Arts- Statistics Master of Arts- Translation Studies Master of Arts-anthropology Master of Arts-applied Linguistics Master of Arts-art History Master of Arts-chinese Master of Arts-criminology Master of Arts-drama Master of Arts-employment Relations and Organisation Studies Master of Arts-enalish Master of Arts-gender Studies Master of Arts-geography Master of Arts-german Master of Arts-history Master of Arts-japanese Master of Arts-languages and Literature Master of Arts-latin Master of Arts-linquistics Master of Arts-media Film and Television Master of Arts-museums and Cultural Heritage Master of Arts-philosophy Master of Arts-politics and International Relation Master of Arts-psychology Master of Arts-sociology Master of Arts-spanish Master of Audiology Master of Biomedical Science Master of Bioscience Enterprise Master of Clinical Education Master of Clinical Pharmacy Master of Commerce Master of Commerce- Information Systems Master of Commerce- Operations and Supply Chain Management Master of Commerce(Mcom)-finance Master of Commerce-accounting Master of Commerce-commercial Law Master of Commerce-economics Master of Commerce-finance Master of Commerce-global Management and Innovation Master of Community Dance Master of Conflict and Terrorism Studies Master of Counselling Master of Creative Writing Master of Dance Studies Master of Disaster Management Master of Education Master of Education Practice Master of Educational Leadership Master of Enaineering-bioengineerina Master of Energy Master of Engineering Management Master of Engineering- Mechanical Engineering Master of Engineering- Mechatronics Engineering Master of Engineering Proiect Managemen Master of Engineering Studies- Medical Devices and Technologies Master of Engineering Studies-chemical and Materials Engineering Master of Engineering Studies-civil Engineering Master of Engineering Studies-computer Systems Engineering Master of Engineering Studies-construction Management Master of Engineering Studies-electrical and Electronic Engineering Master of Engineering Studies-engineering Science Master of Engineering Studies-environmental Engineering Master of Engineering Studies-food Process Engineering Master of Engineering Studies-geotechnical Engineering Master of Engineering Studies-mechanical Engineering Master of Engineering Studies-mechatronics Engineering Master of Engineering Studies-plastics Master of Engineering Studies-software Engineering Master of Engineering Studies-transportation Engineering Master of Engineering-chemical and Materials Engineering Master of Engineering-civil Engineering Master of Engineering-computer Systems Engineering Master of Engineering-electrical and Electronic Engineering Master of Engineering-engineering Science Master of Engineering-software engineering Master of Fine Arts Master of Health Leadership- Clinical Quality and Safety Master of Health Leadership- Health Management Master of Health Leadership-international Health Master of Health Practice- Addiction Studies Master of Health Practice- Health Promotion Master of Health Practice- Pacific Health Master of Health Practice-population Mental Healtl Master of Health Psychology Master of Health Sciences Master of Health Sciences- Nutrition and Dietetics Master of Heritage Conservation Master of Heritage Conservation-museums and Cultural Heritag Master of Human Resource Management Master of Indigenous Studies Master of Information lechnology Master of International Business Master of Laws- Environmental Law Master of Laws- International Law Master of Laws- Public Law Master of Laws-corporate and Commercial Law Master of Laws-human Rights Law Master of Laws-litigation and Dispute Settlement Resolution Master of Legal Studies- Corporate and Commercial Law Master of Legal Studies- Environmental Law Master of Legal Studies -Litigation and Dispute Settlement Resolution Master of Legal Studies-human Rights Law Master of Legal Studies-international Law Master of Legal Studies-public Law Master of Literature -Anthropology Master of Literature- Drama Master of Literature- Economics Master of Literature- French Master of Literature- Japanese Master of Literature- Languages and Literature Master of Literature- Latin Master of Literature- Logic and Computation Master of Literature- Maori Studies Master of Literature- Mathematics Master of Literature- Museums and Cultural Heritage Master of Literature- Music Master of Literature- Philosoph Master of Literature- Screen Production Master of Literature -Sociology Master of Literature- Statistics Master of Literature- Theoloaical and Reliaion Studies Master of Literature- Translation Studie. Master of Literature-ancient History Master of Literature-art History Master of Literature-asian Studies Master of Literature-chinese Master of Literature-development Studies Master of Literature-education Master of Literature-employment Relations and Organisation Studies Master of Literature-english Master of Literature-geography Master of Literature-german Master of Literature-greek Master of Literature-history Master of Literature-italian Master of Literature-language Teaching and Learnir Master of Literature-linguistics Master of Literature-media. Film and Television Master of Literature-pacific Studies Master of Literature-politics and International Relations Master of Literature-spanish Master of Management Master of Marine Studies Master of Marketing Master of Music-composition Master of Music-musicology Master of Music-performance Master of Music-studio Pedagogy Master of Nursina Practice Master of Nursing Master of Operations Research Master of Professional Accounting Master of Professional Studies- Data Science Master of Professional Studies- Food Safety Master of Professional Studies in Education Master of Professional Studies- Mathematics Education Master of Professional Studies- Teaching Chinese in Schools Master of Professional Studies- Translation Studies Master of Professional Studies-digital Security Master of Professional Studies-international Relations and Human Rights Master of Proper Master of Public Health Master of Public Policy Master of Science - Sport and Exercise Science Master of Science- Bioinformati Master of Science- Biomedical Science Master of Science -Biosecurity and Conservation Master of Science- Earth Sciences Master of Science- Environmental Science Master of Science- Exercise Sciences Master of Science- Food Science Master of Science- Forensic Science Master of Science- Geophvsics Master of Science- Logic and Computation Master of Science- Mathematics Master of Science- Medical Statistics Master of Science- Pharmacology Master of Science- Physiology Master of Science- Psychology Master of Science- Speech Science Master of Science- Statistics Master of Science-applied Mathematics Master of Science-biological Sciences Master of Science-biotechnology Master of Science-chemistry Master of Science-clinical Exercise Physiology Master of Science-computer Science Master of Science-environmental Management Master of Science-geography Master of Science-geology Master of Science-marine Science Master of Science-optometry Master of Science-physics Master of Science-wine Science Master of Social and Community Leadership Master of Social Work Master of Social Work(Professional Master of Speech Language Therapy Practice Master of Taxation Studies Master of Teaching (Primary, Master of Teaching English to Speakers of other Languages Master of Theology Master of Urban Design Master of Urban Planning Master of Urban Planning(Professional) Master of Urban Planning(Professional)and Heritage Conservation Master of Urban Planning(Professional)and Urban Design 18.53 33,688 新加坡元
奥克兰大学 The University of Auckland 新西兰 认证 46 87 137 118 262 153 10-100 博士 比较文学(哲学博士) 病理学(哲学博士) 操作与供应链管理(哲学博士) 城市设计(哲学博士) 德语(哲学博士) 地理(哲学博士) 地质学(哲学博士) 电气与电子工程(哲学博士) 电影、电视与媒体研究(哲学博士) 俄语(哲学博士) 儿科学(哲学博士) 发展研究(哲学博士) 法学(哲学博士) 法医科学(哲学博士) 法语(哲学博士) 翻译学(哲学博士) 犯罪学(哲学博士) 分子医学(哲学博士) 妇产科学(哲学博士) 工程科学(哲学博士) 古代史(哲学博士) 管理学(哲学博士) 规划(哲学博士) 国际商务(哲学博士) 海洋科学(哲学博士) 韩语(哲学博士) 汉语(哲学博士) 护理学(哲学博士) 化学(哲学博士) 化学与材料工程(哲学博士) 环境科学(哲学博士) 会计学(哲学博士) 机电一体化工程(哲学博士) 机械工程学(哲学博士) 计算机科学(哲学博士) 计算机系统工程(哲学博士) 建筑学(哲学博士) 健康科学(哲学博士) 教育学(哲学博士) 教育学博士 解剖学(哲学博士) 金融(哲学博士) 经济学(哲学博士) 精神病学(哲学博士) 拉丁美洲研究(哲学博士) 拉丁语(哲学博士) 历史(哲学博士) 临床心理学博士 麻醉学(哲学博士) 毛利研究(哲学博士) 毛利与太平洋健康(哲学博士) 媒体、电影与电视(哲学博士) 美术(哲学博士) 美术博士 欧洲研究(哲学博士) 全科医学(哲学博士) 人类学(哲学博士) 日语(哲学博士) 商法(哲学博士) 社会工作(哲学博士) 社会学(哲学博士) 社区卫生服务(哲学博士 神学(哲学博士) 生理学(哲学博士) 生物工程(哲学博士) 生物科学(哲学博士) 生物医学(哲学博士) 食品科学(哲学博士) 市场营销(哲学博士) 视力验光学(哲学博士) 数学(哲学博士) 数学教育(哲学博士) 太平洋研究(哲学博士) 听力学(哲学博士) 统计学(哲学博士) 土木工程(哲学博士) 外科学(哲学博士) 卫生心理学(哲学博士) 舞蹈研究(哲学博士) 物理学(哲学博士) 西班牙语(哲学博士) 希腊语(哲学博士) 心理学(哲学博士) 信息系统与供应链管理(哲学博士) 行为科学(哲学博士) 性别研究(哲学博士) 亚洲研究(哲学博士) 眼科学(哲学博士) 演讲学(哲学博士) 药理学(哲学博士) 药学(哲学博士) 医学(哲学博士) 医学博士 医学成像(哲学博士) 艺术史(哲学博士) 意大利语(哲学博士) 音乐(哲学博士) 音乐博士 音乐艺术博士 应用语言学(哲学博士) 英语(哲学博士) 语言学(哲学博士) 运等学(哲学博士) 运动科学(哲学博士) 哲学(哲学博士) 政治与国际关系(哲学博士) 资产(哲学博士) Doctor of Clinical Psychology Doctor of Education Doctor of Fine Arts Doctor of Medicine Doctor of Musi Doctor of Musical Arts PHD in Accounting PHD in Anaesthesiology PHD in Anatomy PHD in Ancient History PHD in Anthropology PHD in Applied Linguistics PHD in Architecture PHD in Art History PHD in Asian Studies PHD in Audiology PHD in Behavioural Science PHD in Bioengineering PHD in Biological Sciences PHD in Biomedical Science PHD in Chemical and Materials Engineering PHD in Chemistry PHD in Chinese PHD in Civil Engineering PHD in Commercial Law PHD in Community Health PHD in Comparative Literature PHD in Computer Science PHD in Computer Systems Engineering PHD in Criminology PHD in Dance Studies PHD in Development Studies PHD in Economics PHD in Education PHD in Electrical and Electronics Engineering PHD in Engineering Science PHD in English PHD in Environmental Science PHD in European Studie PHD in Exercise Sciences PHD in Film. TV and Media Studies PHD in Finance PHD in Fine Arts PHD in Food Science PHD in Forensic Science PHD in French PHD in Gender Studies PHD in General Practice PHD in Geography PHD in Geology PHD in German PHD in Greek PHD in Health Psychology PHD in Health Sciences PHD in History PHD in Information Systems and Supply Chain Management PHD in International Business PHD in Italian PHD in Japanese PHD in Korean PHD in Latin PHD in Latin American Studies PHD in Law PHD in Linguistics PHD in Management PHD in Maori and Pacific Health PHD in Maori Studie PHD in Marine Science PHD in Marketing PHD in Mathematics PHD in Mathematics Education PHD in Mechanical Engineering PHD in Mechatronics Engineering PHD in Media. Film and Television PHD in Medical Imaging PHD in Medicine PHD in Molecular Medicine PHD in Music PHD in Nursing PHD in Obstetrics and Gynaecolog PHD in Operations and Supply Chain Management PHD in Operations Research PHD in Ophthalmology PHD in Optomet PHD in Pacific Studies PHD in Paediatrics PHD in Pathology PHD in Pharmacology PHD in Pharmacy PHD in Philosophy PHD in Physics PHD in Physiology PHD in Planning PHD in Politics and International Relations PHD in Property PHD in Psychiatry PHD in Psycholog PHD in Russia PHD in Social Work PHD in Sociology PHD in Spanish PHD in Speech Science PHD in Statistics PHD in Surgery PHD in Theolog PHD in Translation Studies PHD in Urban Design 22.61 41,111 新加坡元
奥塔哥大学 University of Otago 新西兰 认证 78 =217 201 230 351 303 10-100 EDU_TYPE_1 奥塔哥英语课程 通用英语 学术英语 学习小组英语 English for Academic Purpose English for Otago(EFO English for Study Group General English
奥塔哥大学 University of Otago 新西兰 认证 78 =217 201 230 351 303 10-100 研究生证书/文凭 产科学与妇科医学研究生深造文凭 初级卫生保健研究生深造文凭 初级卫生保健研究生深造证书 第二语言教学研究生文凭 儿童保健研究生深造文凭 儿童问题研究生深造证书 佛教研究硏究生认证文凭 高等教育研究生深造文凭 高等教育研究生深造证书 工商管理研究生深造文凭 工作室音乐教学研究生认证文凭 公共卫生研究生深造文凭 公共卫生研究生深造证书 广告学研究生认证文凭 航空医学的检索与传輸研究生深造文凭 航空医学检索与传输研究生深造文凭一航空医学检索与传输 航空医学检索与传输研究生深造证书一航空医学检索与传输 航空医学检索与传輸研究生深造文凭-航空医学 航空医学检索与传輸硏究生深造证书-航空医学 户外教育研究生深造文凭-体育教育 肌肉骨骼医学研究生深造文凭 肌肉骨骼医学研究生深造证书 基础眼科学研究生深造文凭 健康管理研究生深造文凭-工商管理 健康管理研究生深造文凭-公共健康学 健康管理研究生深造文凭健康管理 健康科学研究生深造文凭 健康科学研究生深造证书 健康信息学研究生深造文凭 教学研究生深造文凭-教育学 教学研究生深造证书懃育学 教学研究生文凭 教育与教学研究生认证文凭初等教育 教育与教学研究生认证文凭初等双语教育 教育与教学研究生认证文凭幼儿教育 康复研究生深造文凭 康复研究生深造证书 科学传播研究生深造文凭 科学传播研究生深造证书 理学研究生深造文凭·动物学 理学研究生深造文凭·服装及纺织科学 理学研究生深造文凭·食品科学 理学研究生深造文凭・化学 理学研究生深造文凭测绘 理学研究生深造文凭-地理 理学研究生深造文凭-地质学 理学研究生深造文凭海洋科学 理学研究生深造文凭-经济学 理学研究生深造文凭人类营养学 理学研究生深造文凭-软件工程 理学研究生深造文凭神经系统科学 理学研究生深造文凭-生理学 理学研究生深造文凭-生态学 理学研究生深造文凭-数学 理学研究生深造文凭通信学 理学研究生深造文凭统计学 理学研究生深造文凭-微生物学 理学研究生深造文凭-物理 理学研究生深造文凭消者食品科学 理学研究生深造文凭-心理学 理学研究生深造文凭-信息科学 理学研究生深造文凭-药理学 理学研究生深造文凭一电子学 理学研究生深造文凭一解剖学 理学研究生深造文凭一能源研究 理学研究生深造文凭一生物化学 理学研究生深造文凭遗传学 理学研究生深造文凭-植物生物技术 理学研究生深造文凭-植物学 理学硏究生深造文凭·计算机科学 临床心理学研究生深造文凭-心理学 临床牙科技术研究生深造文凭-牙科技术 临床牙科学研究生深造文凭·牙科学 临床药学研究生深造文凭·药学 临床医师操作的超声波硏究生深造证书 旅行医学研究生深造文凭 旅行医学研究生深造证书 毛利与本土企业研究生深造文凭 民航医学研究生深造证书 女性健康研究生深造证书 全科医学研究生深造文凭 全科医学研究生深造证书 人力姿源管理研究生认证文凭 商业研究生深造文凭·营销管理 商业研究生深造文凭-创业 商业研究生深造文凭-管理学 商业研究生深造文凭-国际商务 商业研究生深造文凭-会计学 商业研究生深造文凭-金融 商业研究生深造文凭-经济学 商业研究生深造文凭-旅游 商业研究生深造文凭-信息科学 社会福利研究生深造文凭社会工作 社区牙科研究生深造文凭-牙科学 社区牙科研究生深造文凭一社区牙科 神学研究生深造文凭·基督教思想与历史 神学研究生深造文凭-牧师研究 神学研究生深造文凭-圣经研究 神职人员研究生深造文凭 生物伦理学与健康法研究生深造文凭-法学 生物伦理学与健康法研究生深造文凭一生物伦理学 生物伦理学与卫生法研究生文凭・法学 生物伦理学与卫生法研究生文凭-生物伦理学 体育教育研究生深造文凭 体育商务学研究生认证文凭 体育与锻炼医学研究生深造文凭 外科解剖学研究生深造文凭 文学研究生深造文凭·电影和媟体研究 文学研究生深造文凭-德语 文学研究生深造文凭-地理 文学研究生深造文凭-法语 文学研究生深造文凭-古典文学 文学研究生深造文凭-汉语 文学研究生深造文凭-计算机科学 文学研究生深造文凭-教育学 文学研究生深造文凭-经济学 文学研究生深造文凭-历史 文学研究生深造文凭-毛利人研究 文学研究生深造文凭-人类学 文学研究生深造文凭-日语 文学研究生深造文凭-社会学 文学研究生深造文凭-圣经研究 文学研究生深造文凭-数学 文学研究生深造文凭-通信研究 文学研究生深造文凭-统计学 文学研究生深造文凭-土著发展 文学研究生深造文凭-西班牙语 文学研究生深造文凭-戏剧研究 文学研究生深造文凭-心理学 文学研究生深造文凭-信息科学 文学研究生深造文凭-性别研究 文学研究生深造文凭一基督教思想与历史 文学研究生深造文凭一哲学、政治学与经济学 文学研究生深造文凭-艺术历史与视党文化 文学研究生深造文凭-音乐 文学研究生深造文凭-英语 文学研究生深造文凭-语言学 文学研究生深造文凭-哲学 文学研究生深造文凭宗教研究 物理疗法硏究生深造文凭 物理疗法硏究生深造证书 乡村和省医院实习研究生深造证书 乡村与省医院实习研究生深造文凭 行政管理硏究生深造文凭 行政管理硏究生深造证书 牙科技术研究生深造文凭 牙科治疗研究生深造文凭 药剂师处方研究生深造证书-药学 药学研究生深造文凭 药学研究生深造证书 野生动物管理研究生深造文凭 医疗技术研究生深造文凭 医疗技术研究生深造证书 医学成像研究生深造文凭 医学成像研究生深造证书 医学实验室科学研究生深造文凭 以儿童为中心的实践研究生深造文凭-儿童问题 音乐研究生深造文凭 应用科学研究生深造文凭-地理信息系统 应用科学研究生深造文凭电子学 应用科学研究生深造文凭-分子生物技术 应用科学研究生深造文凭-服装及纺织科学 应用科学研究生深造文凭环境管理 应用科学研究生深造文凭-计算机科学 应用科学研究生深造文凭-计算模 应用科学研究生深造文凭-科学传播 应用科学研究生深造文凭-科学创新与企业 应用科学研究生深造文凭-科学领域非小说创意写作 应用科学研究生深造文凭-科学社会 应用科学研究生深造文凭-科学与自然历史电影制作 应用科学研究生深造文凭-软件工程 应用科学研究生深造文凭-生物工程 应用科学研究生深造文凭-数量遗传学 应用科学研究生深造文凭体育运动营养学 应用科学研究生深造文凭-通信学 应用科学研究生深造文凭-统计学 应用科学研究生深造文凭-微生物学 应用科学研究生深造文凭消费者食品科学 应用科学研究生深造文凭-应用地质学 应用科学研究生深造文凭-植物生物技术 应用科学研究生深造证书-地理信息系统 应用科学研究生深造证书-电子学 应用科学研究生深造证书-分子生物技术 应用科学研究生深造证书服装与纺织科学 应用科学研究生深造证书环境管理 应用科学研究生深造证书-计算槙 应用科学研究生深造证书-计算机科学 应用科学研究生深造证书-科学传播 应用科学研究生深造证书-科学创新与企业 应用科学研究生深造证书-科学领域非小说创意写作 应用科学研究生深造证书-科学社会 应用科学研究生深造证书-科学与自然历史电影制作 应用科学研究生深造证书-软件工程 应用科学研究生深造证书-生物工程 应用科学研究生深造证书-数量遗传学 应用科学研究生深造证书-体育运动营养学 应用科学研究生深造证书-通信学 应用科学研究生深造证书-微生物学 应用科学研究生深造证书-消费者食品科学 应用科学研究生深造证书-应用地质学 应用科学研究生深造证书-植物生物技术 职业医学研究生深造文凭一航空医学 职业医学研究生深造文凭职业医学 职业医学研究生深造证书 Diploma for Graduates (Dipgrad)endorsed in Buddhist Studies Diploma for Graduates(Dipgrad) endorsed in Sports Business Diploma for Graduates(Dipgrad)endorsed in Advertising Diploma for Graduates(Dipgrad)endorsed in Human Resource Management Diploma for Graduates(Dipgrad)endorsed in Studio Music Teaching Graduate Diploma in Bioethics and Health Law(GDIPBH)-LAW Graduate Diploma in Bioethics and Health Law(GDIPBHL)-bioethics Graduate Diploma in Education and Teaching(Graddipedtchg)endorsed in Early Childhood Education Graduate Diploma in Education and Teaching(Graddipedtchg)endorsed in Primary Education Graduate Diploma in Education and Teaching(Graddipedtchg)endorsed in Te Pokai Matauranga o Te Ao Rua (Primary Bilingual Education) Graduate Diploma in Second Language Teaching(GDIPSLD) Graduate Diploma in Teaching (Graddiptchg Postgraduate Certificate in Aeromedical Retrieval and Transport(PGCERTAERORD) Aeromedical Retrieval and Transport Postgraduate Certificate in Aeromedical Retrieval and Transport(Pgcertaerort)-aviation Medicine Postgraduate Certificate in Applied Science(PG Certappsc)-science Innovation and Enterprise Postgraduate Certificate in Applied Science(Pgcertappsc)- Computer Science Postgraduate Certificate in Applied Science(Pgcertappsc)- Consumer Food Science Postgraduate Certificate in Applied Science(Pgcertappsc)- Electronics Postgraduate Certificate in Applied Science(Pgcertappsc)- Microbiology Postgraduate Certificate in Applied Science(Pgcertappsc)- Plant Biotechnology Postgraduate Certificate in Applied Science(Pgcertappsc)- Science and Natural History Filmmaking Postgraduate Certificate in Applied Science(Pgcertappsc)- Science in Society Postgraduate Certificate in Applied Science(Pgcertappsc)-applied Geology Postgraduate Certificate in Applied Science(Pgcertappsc)-bioengineering Postgraduate Certificate in Applied Science(Pgcertappsc)-clothing and Textile Sciences Postgraduate Certificate in Applied Science(Pgcertappsc)-computational Modelling Postgraduate Certificate in Applied Science(Pgcertappsc)-creative Non-fiction Writing in Science Postgraduate Certificate in Applied Science(Pgcertappsc)-environmental Postgraduate Certificate in Applied Science(Pgcertappsc)-geographic Information Systems Postgraduate Certificate in Applied Science(Pgcertappsc)-molecular Biotechnology Postgraduate Certificate in Applied Science(Pgcertappsc)-quantitative Genetics Postgraduate Certificate in Applied Science(Pgcertappsc)-science Communication Postgraduate Certificate in Applied Science(Pgcertappsc)-software Engineering Postgraduate Certificate in Applied Science(Pgcertappsc)-sport and Exercise Nutrition Postgraduate Certificate in Applied Science(Pgcertappsc)-telecommunications Postgraduate Certificate in Children's Issues(Pgcertchls Postgraduate Certificate in Civil Aviation Medicine(Pgcertavmmed)-aviation Medicine Postgraduate Certificate in Clinician-performed Ultrasound(Pgcertcpu) Postgraduate Certificate in Executive Management(PGCERTEM) Postgraduate Certificate in General Practice(PGCERTGP Postgraduate Certificate in Health Sciences(Pgcerthealsc Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education(Pgcerthighe Postgraduate Certificate in Medical Imaging(Pgcertmi) Postgraduate Certificate in Medical Technology (Pgcertmedtech) Postgraduate Certificate in Musculoskeletal Medicine(PGCERTMSM) Postgraduate Certificate in Occupational Medicine(Pgcertoccmed) Postgraduate Certificate in Pharmacist Prescribing(Pgcertpharmpres)-pharmacy Postgraduate Certificate in Pharmacy(Pgcertpharm) Postgraduate Certificate in Physiotherapy(Pgcertphty Postgraduate Certificate in Primary Health Care(PGCERTPHC Postgraduate Certificate in Public Health (Pgcertph) Postgraduate Certificate in Rehabilitation(Pgcertrehab Postgraduate Certificate in Rural and Provincial Hospital Practice(PGCERTRPHP Postgraduate Certificate in Science Communication(Pgcertscicomm) Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching (Pgcerttchg)-education Postgraduate Certificate in Travel Medicine(Pgcerttravmed) Postgraduate Certificate in Womens Health(Pgcertwhith Postgraduate Diploma in Aeromedical Retrieval and Transport(PGDIPAERORD) Postgraduate Diploma in Aeromedical Retrieval and Transport(PGDIPAERORT)-aeromedical Retrieval and Transpor Postgraduate Diploma in Aeromedical Retrieval and Transport(Pgdipaerort-aviation Medicine Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Science(PGDIPAPPS)-software Engineering Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Science(PGDIPAPPSC)- Applied Geology Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Science(PGDIPAPPSC)- Bioengineering Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Science(PGDIPAPPSC)- Clothing and Textile Sciences Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Science(PGDIPAPPSC)- Computer Science Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Science(PGDIPAPPSC)- Consumer Food Science Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Science(PGDIPAPPSC)- Environmental Management Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Science(PGDIPAPPSC)- Molecular Biotechnology Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Science(PGDIPAPPSC)- Plant Biotechnology Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Science(PGDIPAPPSC)- Quantitative Genetics Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Science(PGDIPAPPSC)- Science Communication Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Science(PGDIPAPPSC)- Science in Society Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Science(PGDIPAPPSC)- Sport and Exercise Nutrition Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Science(PGDIPAPPSC)- Telecommunicatio Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Science(PGDIPAPPSC)-computational Modelling Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Science(PGDIPAPPSC)-creative Non-fiction Writing in Science Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Science(PGDIPAPPSC)-electronics Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Science(PGDIPAPPSC)-geographic Information Systems Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Science(PGDIPAPPSC)-microbiology Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Science(PGDIPAPPSC)-science and Natural History Filmmaking Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Science(PGDIPAPPSC)-science Innovation and Enterprise Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Statistics(Pgdipapstat)-statistics Postgraduate Diploma in Arts Subjects (PGDIPARTS)- Religious Studies Postgraduate Diploma in Arts Subjects (PGDIPARTS)-french Postgraduate Diploma in Arts Subjects (PGDIPARTS)-gender Studies Postgraduate Diploma in Arts Subjects(PGDIPARTS)- Chinese Postgraduate Diploma in Arts Subjects(PGDIPARTS)- Computer Science Postgraduate Diploma in Arts Subjects(PGDIPARTS)- Film and Media Studies Postgraduate Diploma in Arts Subjects(PGDIPARTS)- Information Science Postgraduate Diploma in Arts Subjects(PGDIPARTS) Music Postgraduate Diploma in Arts Subjects(PGDIPARTS)- Philosophy, Politics and Economics Postgraduate Diploma in Arts Subjects(PGDIPARTS)- Sociology Postgraduate Diploma in Arts Subjects(PGDIPARTS)- Statistics Postgraduate Diploma in Arts Subjects(PGDIPARTS)- Theatre Studies Postgraduate Diploma in Arts Subjects(PGDIPARTS)-anthropology Postgraduate Diploma in Arts Subjects(PGDIPARTS)-art History and Visual Culture Postgraduate Diploma in Arts Subjects(PGDIPARTS)-biblical Studies Postgraduate Diploma in Arts Subjects(PGDIPARTS)-christian Thought and History Postgraduate Diploma in Arts Subjects(PGDIPARTS)-classics Postgraduate Diploma in Arts Subjects(PGDIPARTS)-communication Studies Postgraduate Diploma in Arts Subjects(PGDIPARTS)-economics Postgraduate Diploma in Arts Subjects(PGDIPARTS)-education Postgraduate Diploma in Arts Subjects(PGDIPARTS)-english Postgraduate Diploma in Arts Subjects(PGDIPARTS)-geography Postgraduate Diploma in Arts Subjects(PGDIPARTS)-german Postgraduate Diploma in Arts Subjects(PGDIPARTS)-history Postgraduate Diploma in Arts Subjects(PGDIPARTS)-indigenous Development/He Kura Matanu Postgraduate Diploma in Arts Subjects(PGDIPARTS)-japanese Postgraduate Diploma in Arts Subjects(PGDIPARTS)-linguistics Postgraduate Diploma in Arts Subjects(PGDIPARTS)-maori Studies Postgraduate Diploma in Arts Subjects(PGDIPARTS)-mathematics Postgraduate Diploma in Arts Subjects(PGDIPARTS)-philosophy Postgraduate Diploma in Arts Subjects(PGDIPARTS)-psychology Postgraduate Diploma in Arts Subjects(PGDIPARTS)-spanish Postgraduate Diploma in Bioethics and Health Law(PGDIPBH)-bioethics Postgraduate Diploma in Bioethics and Health Law(PGDIPBHL)-LAW Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration(Pgdipbusadmin Postgraduate Diploma in Child Health(DCH Postgraduate Diploma in Child-centred Practice(PGDIPCCP)-children's Issues Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Dental Technology(PGDIPCDTECH)-dental Technology Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Dentistry(Pgdipclindent)- Dentistry Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Pharmacy(Pgdipclinpharm)-pharmacy Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Psychology(PGDIPCIPS)-psychology Postgraduate Diploma in Commerce(PGDIP Com)-entrepreneurship Postgraduate Diploma in Commerce(PGDIP Com)-marketing Manageme Postgraduate Diploma in Commerce(PGDIPCOM) Economics Postgraduate Diploma in Commerce(PGDIPCOM)- Information Science Postgraduate Diploma in Commerce(PGDIPCOM)- International Business Postgraduate Diploma in Commerce(PGDIPCOM)- Tourism Postgraduate Diploma in Commerce(PGDIPCOM)-accounting Postgraduate Diploma in Commerce(PGDIPCOM)-finance Postgraduate Diploma in Commerce(PGDIPCOM)-management Postgraduate Diploma in Community Dentistry(Pgdipcomdent)- Community Dentistry Postgraduate Diploma in Community Dentistry(Pgdipcomdent)-dentistry Postgraduate Diploma in Dental Technology (Pgdipdenttech Postgraduate Diploma in Dental Therapy(Pgdipdentther Postgraduate Diploma in Executive Management(PGDIPEM Postgraduate Diploma in General Practice(PGDIPGP) Postgraduate Diploma in Health Informatics(Pgdiphealln) Postgraduate Diploma in Health Management(Pgdiphealmgt)-business Administration Postgraduate Diploma in Health Management(Pgdiphealmgt)-public Health Postgraduate Diploma in Health Management(Pgdiphealmgt-health Management Postgraduate Diploma in Health Sciences(Pgdiphealsc Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education(PGDIPHIGHE) Postgraduate Diploma in Maori and Indigenous Business(PGDIPMALBUS Postgraduate Diploma in Medical Imaging(PGDIPMD Postgraduate Diploma in Medical Laboratory Science(PGDIPMLSC) Postgraduate Diploma in Medical Technology(Pgdipmedtech Postgraduate Diploma in Ministry(PGDIPMIN Postgraduate Diploma in Musculoskeletal Medicine(PGDIPMSM Postgraduate Diploma in Music (PGDIPMUS) Postgraduate Diploma in Obstetrics and Medical Gynaecology(PGDIPOMG) Postgraduate Diploma in Occupational Medicine(Pgdipoccmed)-occupational Medicine Postgraduate Diploma in Occupational Medicine(Pgdipoccmmed)-aviation Medicine Postgraduate Diploma in Ophthalmic Basic Sciences(Pgdipophthbs) Postgraduate Diploma in Outdoor Education(PGDIPOE)-physical Education Postgraduate Diploma in Pharmacy(Pgdippharm) Postgraduate Diploma in Physical Education(PGDIPPE) Postgraduate Diploma in Physiotherapy(Pgdipphty Postgraduate Diploma in Primary Health Care(PGDIPPHC Postgraduate Diploma in Public Health(DPH) Postgraduate Diploma in Rehabilitation(Pgdiprehab Postgraduate Diploma in Rural and Provincial Hospital Practice(PGDIPRPHP) Postgraduate Diploma in Science (PGDIPSCI)-economics Postgraduate Diploma in Science Communication(PGDIPSCICOMM Postgraduate Diploma in Science(Pgdipscd-neuroscience Postgraduate Diploma in Science(PGDIPSCI) Mathematics Postgraduate Diploma in Science(PGDIPSCI)-anatomy Postgraduate Diploma in Science(PGDIPSCI)-biochemistry Postgraduate Diploma in Science(PGDIPSCI)-botany Postgraduate Diploma in Science(PGDIPSCI)-chemistr Postgraduate Diploma in Science(PGDIPSCI)-clothing and Textile Sciences Postgraduate Diploma in Science(PGDIPSCI)-computer Science Postgraduate Diploma in Science(PGDIPSCI)-consumer Food Science Postgraduate Diploma in Science(PGDIPSCI)-ecology Postgraduate Diploma in Science(PGDIPSCI)-electronics Postgraduate Diploma in Science(PGDIPSCI)-energy Studies Postgraduate Diploma in Science(PGDIPSCI)-food Science Postgraduate Diploma in Science(PGDIPSCI)-genetics Postgraduate Diploma in Science(PGDIPSCI)-geography Postgraduate Diploma in Science(PGDIPSCI)-geology Postgraduate Diploma in Science(PGDIPSCI)-human Nutrition Postgraduate Diploma in Science(PGDIPSCI)-information Science Postgraduate Diploma in Science(PGDIPSCI)-marine Science Postgraduate Diploma in Science(PGDIPSCI)-microbiolo Postgraduate Diploma in Science(PGDIPSCI)-pharmacology Postgraduate Diploma in Science(PGDIPSCI)-physics Postgraduate Diploma in Science(PGDIPSCI)-physiology Postgraduate Diploma in Science(PGDIPSCI)-plant Biotechnology Postgraduate Diploma in Science(PGDIPSCI)-psychology Postgraduate Diploma in Science(PGDIPSCI)-software Engineering Postgraduate Diploma in Science(PGDIPSCI)-statistics Postgraduate Diploma in Science(PGDIPSCI)-surveying Postgraduate Diploma in Science(PGDIPSCI)-telecommunications Postgraduate Diploma in Science(PGDIPSCI)-zoology Postgraduate Diploma in Social Welfare(PGDIPSW)-social Work Postgraduate Diploma in Sport and Exercise Medicine(PGDIPSEM Postgraduate Diploma in Surgical Anatomy(Pgdipsurganat) Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching(PGDIPTCHG)-education Postgraduate Diploma in Theology (PGDIP Theol)-pastoral Studies Postgraduate Diploma in Theology(PGDIP Theol)-biblical Studies Postgraduate Diploma in Theology(PGDIP Theol)-christian Thought and History Postgraduate Diploma in Travel Medicine(Pgdiptravmed) Postgraduate Diploma in Wildlife Management(PGDIPWLM) 14.65 26,634 新加坡元
奥塔哥大学 University of Otago 新西兰 认证 78 =217 201 230 351 303 10-100 预科 地理学 管理学概论 国际研究当代环境 国际研究-历史观点 化学-反应 化学-结构与键合 会计学概论 计算机基础 计算机应用 健康和疾病 健康科学 经济学 理工科数学 理学 贸易数学 企业财务概论 人体生物学 商务/商业 商学 生物学 文科 物理-机械、电力与波动 物理-热力学与近代物理 衔接课程 新西兰历史 学术英语 营销学概论 Academic English I Academic English II Applications of Computing Biology Bridging Programme Business Business/ Commerce Chemist tructure and Bond Chemistry -Reactivity Economics Foundations of Comput Geography Health and Disease Health Science Human Biology International Studies-an Historical Perpective International Studies-contemporary Environment Introduction to Accounting Introduction to Business Finance Introduction to Management Introduction to Marketing Mathematics for Commerce Mathematics for Science New Zealand History Physics- Mechanics, Electricity and Waves Physics- Thermodynamics and Modern Physics Science 12.97 23,586 新加坡元
奥塔哥大学 University of Otago 新西兰 认证 78 =217 201 230 351 303 10-100 证书/专科 德语语言认证文凭 德语语言与文化认证文凭 法语语言认证文凭 法语语言与文化认证文凭 汉语语言认证文凭 汉语语言与文化认证文凭 教育学专修证书 理学专修证书 全球文化文凭 日语语言认证文凭 日语语言与文化认证文凭 商业专修证书 神学专修证书 体育专修证书 文科与音乐专修证书 西班牙语语言认证文凭 西班牙语语言与文化认证文凭 语言文凭 语言与文化文凭 Arts and Music Certificate of Proficiency( COP Commerce Certificate of Proficiency(COP) Diploma in Global Cultures(Dipglobalc Diploma in Language ( Diplang)endorsed in French Diploma in Language (Diplang)endorsed in German Diploma in Language (Diplang)endorsed in Japanese Diploma in Language and Culture( Diplangc)endorsed in Spanish Diploma in Language and Culture(Diplangc) Diploma in Language and Culture(Diplangc)endorsed in Chinese Diploma in Language and Culture(Diplangc)endorsed in French Diploma in Language and Culture(Diplangc)endorsed in German Diploma in Language and Culture(Diplangc)endorsed in Japanese Diploma in Language(Diplang) Diploma in Language(Diplang)endorsed in Chinese Diploma in Language(Diplang)endorsed in Spanish Education Certificate of Proficiency( COP) Physical Education Certificate of Proficiency(COP) Science Certificate of Proficiency( COP) Theology Certificate of Proficiency(COP)
奥塔哥大学 University of Otago 新西兰 认证 78 =217 201 230 351 303 10-100 本科 表演艺术学士 测绘理学学士 测绘荣誉学士 测绘学士 传播学荣誉文学学士 德语荣詟文学学士 德语文学学士 地理理学学士 地理荣誉理学学士 地理荣誉文学学士 地理文学学士 地理信息系统应用科学荣誉学士 地理信息系统应用科学学士 地质学理学学士 地质学荣誉理学学士 电影与媒体研究荣誉文学学士 电影与媒体研究文学学士 电子学理学学上 电子学荣誉理学学士 动物学理学学士 动物学荣誉理学学士 法律分析科学应用科学荣誉学士 法律分析科学应用科学学士 法学学士 法语荣誉文学学士 法语文学学士 放射治疗荣詟学士 放射治疗学士 分子生物技术应用科学荣誉学士 分子生物技术应用科学学士 服装及纺织科学荣誉理学学士 服装及纺织科学应用科学荣誉学士 古典文学荣誉文学学士 古典文学文学学士 管理学商业荣詟学士 管理学商业学士 国际贺易商业荣誉学士 国际贸易商业学士 海洋学理学学士 汉语荣誉文学学士 汉语文学学士 化学理学学士 化学荣誉理学学士 环境管理应用科学荣誉学士 环境管理应用科学学士 会计学商业荣誉学士 会计学商业学士 基督教思想与历史荣誉文学学士 基督教思想与历史文学学士 计算机科学理学学士 计算机科学荣誉理学学士 计算机科学荣誉文学学士 计算机科学文学学士 计算模型应用科学荣誉学士 计算模型应用科学学士 健康科学理学学士(第一年) 健康科学学士·社区健康护理 健康科学学士・公共健康学 健康科学学士・太平洋与全球健康 健康科学学士毛利健康 教学学士/小学教育认证 教学学士/小学双语教育认证 教学学士/幼儿懃育认证 教育学荣誉文学学士 教育学文学学士 教育学学士英语作为第二语言教学 解剖学理学学士 解剖学荣誉理学学士 金融商业荣誉学士 金融商业学士 经济学理学学士 经济学荣誉理学学士 经济学荣誉文学学士 经济学商业荣誉学士 经济学商业学士 经济学文学学士 口腔外科学荣誉学士·牙科学 口腔外科学学士-牙科学 口腔卫生学士-牙科学 历史荣誉文学学士 历史文学学士 旅游、语言与文化文学学士 旅游荣誉商业学士 旅游商业学士 毛利研究荣詟文学学士 毛利研究文学学士 内外全科医学士 能源管理应用科学荣誉学士 能源管理应用科学学士 能源硏究理学学士 欧洲研究文学学士 人类学荣誉文学学士 人类学文学学士 人类营养学理学学士 人类营养学荣誉理学学士 人力姿源管理商业学士 日语荣誉文学学士 日语文学学士 荣誉法学学士 荣誉药剂学学士 荣誉医学学士 荣誉音乐学士 软件工程应用科学荣誉学士 软件工程应用科学学士 社会工作荣誉学士 社会工作学士 社会学荣誉文学学士 社会学文学学士 神经系统科学理学学士 神经系统科学荣詟理学学士 神学荣誉学士·基督敦思想与历史 神学荣誉学士牧师研究 神学荣誉学士圣经研究 神学学士·圣经研究 神学学士基督教思想与历史 神学学士牧师研究 生理学理学学士 生理学荣誉理学学士 生态学理学学士 生态学荣誉理学学士 生物化学理学学士 生物化学荣誉理学学士 生物医学荣誉学士・感染与免疫 生物医学荣誉学士・健康与疾病分子基础 生物医学荣誉学士-毒品与人类健康 生物医学荣誉学士繁殖、遗传与发展 生物医学荣誉学士-机能人类生物学 生物医学荣誉学士-人类健康中的营养与代谢 生物医学学士・毒品与人类健康 生物医学学士・健康与疾病的分子基础 生物医学学士・人类健康中的营养与代谢 生物医学学士-繁殖、遗传与发展 生物医学学士感染与免疫 生物医学学士机能人体生物学 圣经研究荣詟文学学士 圣经研究文学学士 食品科学理学学士 食品科学荣誉理学学士 数学理学学士 数学荣誉理学学士 数学荣誉文学学士 数学文学学士 水产养殖与渔业应用科学荣誉学士 水产养殖与渔业应用科学学士 太平洋岛屿研究文学学士 体育技术应用科学学士 体育教育荣誉学士-身体活动与健康学 体育教育荣詟学士-运动与体育科学 体育教育学士·职业研究 体育教育学士-运动与体育科学 体育数育荣詟学士体育与休闲研究 体育数育荣詟学士-职业研究 体育数育学士身体活动与健康学 体育数育学士体育与休闲研究 体育运动营养学应用科学荣誉学士 体育运动营养学应用科学学士 通信学应用科学荣誉学士 通信研究文学学士 统计学理学学士 统计学荣誉文学学士 统计学荣詟理学学士 统计学文学学士 土地规划与开发理学学士 土著人发展学荣誉文学学士 土著人发展学文学学士 微生物学理学学士 微生物学荣詟理学学士 文理学士 物理理学学士 物理疗法荣詟学士 物理疗法学士 物理荣誉理学学士 西班牙语荣誉文学学士 西班牙语文学学士 戏剧研究荣詟文学学士 戏剧研究文学学士 消费者食品科学应用科学荣誉学士 消费者食品科学应用科学学士 心理学理学学士 心理学荣誉理学学士 心理学荣誉文学学士 心理学文学学士 信息科学理学学士 信息科学荣誉理学学士 信息科学荣誉文学学士 信息科学商业荣誉学士 信息科学商业学士 信息科学文学学士 性別研究荣詟文学学士 性別研究文学学士 牙科技术荣誉学士 牙科技术学士 亚洲研究文学学士 药剂学学士 药理学理学学士 药理学荣誉理学学士 医学实验室科学学士 遗传学理学学士 遗传学荣誉理学学士 艺术历史与视党文化文学学士 艺术史与理论荣誉文学学士 音乐荣誉文学学士 音乐文学学士 音乐学士·工作室制作 音乐学士-音乐表演 音乐学士-作曲 应用地质学应用科学荣誉学士 应用地质学应用科学学士 英语荣詟文学学士 英语文学学士 英语与语言学文学学士 营销管理商业荣詟学士 营销管理商业学士 语言学荣誉文学学士 语言学文学学士 语言与语言学文学学士 哲学、政治学与经济学荣誉商业学士 哲学、政治学与经济学荣誉文学学士 哲学、政治学与经済学商业学士 哲学、政治学与经済学文学学士 哲学荣誉文学学士 哲学文学学士 政治学文学学士 植物生物技术理学学士 植物生物技术荣誉理学学士 植物学理学学士 植物学荣詟理学学士 宗教研究荣詟文学学士 宗教研究文学学士 Bachelor of Applied Science (Bappsc)- Consumer Food Science Bachelor of Applied Science (BAPPSC)- Molecular Biotechnology Bachelor of Applied Science with Honours (Bappsc( Hons))-energy Management Bachelor of Applied Science with Honours (Bappsc(Hons))-computational Modelling Bachelor of Applied Science with Honours (BAPPSC(Hons))-molecular Biotechnology Bachelor of Applied Science with Honours(Bappsc( Hons))-forensic Analytical Science Bachelor of Applied Science with Honours(BAPPSC(Hons))- Consumer Food Science Bachelor of Applied Science with Honours(Bappsc(Hons))- Telecommunications Bachelor of Applied Science with Honours(Bappsc(Hons))-applied Geology Bachelor of Applied Science with Honours(Bappsc(Hons))-aquaculture and Fisheries Bachelor of Applied Science with Honours(Bappsc(Hons))-clothing and Textile Sciences Bachelor of Applied Science with Honours(Bappsc(Hons))-environmental Management Bachelor of Applied Science with Honours(Bappsc(Hons))-geographic Information Systems Bachelor of Applied Science with Honours(Bappsc(Hons))-software Engineering Bachelor of Applied Science With Honours(Bappsc(Hons))-sport and Exercise Nutrition Bachelor of Applied Science(BAPPSC)- Applied Geology Bachelor of Applied Science(BAPPSC)- Computational Modelling Bachelor of Applied Science(BAPPSC)- Forensic Analytical Science Bachelor of Applied Science(BAPPSC)- Sports Technology Bachelor of Applied Science(BAPPSC)-aquaculture and Fisheries Bachelor of Applied Science(BAPPSC)-energy Management Bachelor of Applied Science(BAPPSC)-environmental Management Bachelor of Applied Science(BAPPSC)-geographic Information Systems Bachelor of Applied Science(BAPPSC)-software Engineering Bachelor of Applied Science(BAPPSC)-sport and Exercise Nutrition Bachelor of Arts (BA) - Religious Studies Bachelor of Arts (BA)- Information Science Bachelor of Arts (BA)-classics Bachelor of Arts (BA)-education Bachelor of Arts (BA)-european Studies Bachelor of Arts (BA)-FILM and Media Studies Bachelor of Arts (BA)-history Bachelor of Arts (BA)-japanese Bachelor of Arts (BA)-POLITI Bachelor of Arts (BA)-psychology Bachelor of Arts (BA)-spanish Bachelor of Arts (BA)-statistics Bachelor of Arts and Science(BASC Bachelor of Arts with Honours (BA( Hons))-philosophy, Politics and Economics Bachelor of Arts with Honours (BA(Hons))-anthropology Bachelor of Arts with Honours (BA(Hons))-biblical Studies Bachelor of Arts with Honours (BA(Hons))-communication Studies Bachelor of Arts with Honours (BA(Hons))-FILM and Media Studies Bachelor of Arts with Honours (BA(Hons))-geography Bachelor of Arts with Honours (BA(Hons))-information Science Bachelor of Arts with Honours(BA( Hons))-indigenous Development/He Kura Matanu Bachelor of Arts with Honours(BA( Hons))-spanish Bachelor of Arts with Honours(BA(Hons)- Education Bachelor of Arts with Honours(BA(Hons)- Mathematics Bachelor of Arts with Honours(BA(Hons))- Religious Studies Bachelor of Arts with Honours(BA(Hons))-art History and Theory Bachelor of Arts with Honours(BA(Hons))-chinese Bachelor of Arts with Honours(BA(Hons))-christian Thought and History Bachelor of Arts with Honours(BA(Hons))-classics Bachelor of Arts with Honours(BA(Hons))-computer Science Bachelor of Arts with Honours(BA(Hons))-economics Bachelor of Arts with Honours(BA(Hons))-english Bachelor of Arts with Honours(BA(Hons))-french Bachelor of Arts with Honours(BA(Hons))-gender Studies Bachelor of Arts with Honours(BA(Hons))-german Bachelor of Arts with Honours(BA(Hons))-history Bachelor of Arts with Honours(BA(Hons))-japanese Bachelor of Arts with Honours(BA(Hons))-linguistics Bachelor of Arts with Honours(BA(Hons))-maori Studies Bachelor of Arts with Honours(BA(Hons))-MUSIC Bachelor of Arts with Honours(BA(Hons))-philosophy Bachelor of Arts with Honours(BA(Hons))-psychology Bachelor of Arts with Honours(BA(Hons))-sociology Bachelor of Arts with Honours(BA(Hons))-theatre Studies Bachelor of Arts with Honours(BA(Hons)-statistics Bachelor of Arts(BA)- Communication Studies Bachelor of Arts(BA)- Economics Bachelor of Arts(BA)- English and Linguistics Bachelor of Arts(BA)- Indigenous Development/He Kura Matanui Bachelor of Arts(BA)- Mathematics Bachelor of Arts(BA)- Music Bachelor of Arts(BA)- Theatre Studies Bachelor of Arts(BA)-anthropology Bachelor of Arts(BA)-ART History and Visual Culture Bachelor of Arts(BA)-ASIAN Studies Bachelor of Arts(BA)-biblical Studies Bachelor of Arts(BA)-chinese Bachelor of Arts(BA)-christian Thought and History Bachelor of Arts(BA)-computer Science Bachelor of Arts(BA)-french Bachelor of Arts(BA)-gender Studies Bachelor of Arts(BA)-german Bachelor of Arts(BA)-language and Linguistics Bachelor of Arts(BA)-linguistics Bachelor of Arts(BA)-maori Studies Bachelor of Arts(BA)-pacific Islands Studies Bachelor of Arts(BA)-philosophy Bachelor of Arts(BA)-philosophy, Politics and Economics Bachelor of Arts(BA)-sociology Bachelor of Arts(BA)-tourism, Languages and Cultures Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences (Bbiomedsc)-functional Human Biology Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences with Honours (Bbiomed Sc(Hons))-molecular Basis of Health and Disease Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences with Honours (Bbiomedsc( Hon Reproduction, Genetics and Development Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences with Honours (Bbiomedsc( Hons))- Nutrition and Metabolism n Human Health Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences with Honours (Bbiomedsc(Hons))-drugs and Human Health Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences with Honours (Bbiomedsc(Hons))-functional Human ogy Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences with Honours (Bbiomedsc(Hons))-infection and Immunity Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences(Bbiomedsc)-drugs and Human Healtl Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences(Bbiomedsc)-infection and Immunity Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences(Bbiomedsc)-molecular Basis of Health and Disease Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences(Bbiomedsc)-nutrition and Metabolism in Human Health Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences(Bbiomedsc)-reproduction, Genetics and Development Bachelor of Commerce with Honours (Bcom(Hons))- Marketing Management Bachelor of Commerce with Honours (Bcom(Hons))-management Bachelor of Commerce with Honours(Bcom( Hons))-philosophy, Politics and Economics Bachelor of Commerce with Honours(Bcom(Hons))- Tourism Bachelor of Commerce with Honours(Bcom(Hons))-accounting Bachelor of Commerce with Honours(Bcom(Hons))-economics Bachelor of Commerce with Honours(Bcom(Hons))-finance Bachelor of Commerce with Honours(Bcom(Hons))-information Science Bachelor of Commerce with Honours(Bcom(Hons))-international Business Bachelor of Commerce(Bcom)- Economics Bachelor of Commerce(Bcom)- Finance Bachelor of Commerce(Bcom)- Information Science Bachelor of Commerce(Bcom)- International Business Bachelor of Commerce(Bcom)- Management Bachelor of Commerce(Bcom)- Tourism Bachelor of Commerce(Bcom)-accounting Bachelor of Commerce(Bcom)-human Resource Management Bachelor of Commerce(Bcom)-marketing Management Bachelor of Commerce(Bcom)-philosophy, Politics and Economics Bachelor of Dental Surgery with Honours (BDS(Hons)-dentistry Bachelor of Dental Surgery(BDS)-dentistry Bachelor of Dental Technology with Honours (Bdenttech(Hons)) Bachelor of Dental Technology(Bdenttech Bachelor of Education(Bed)-teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. (TESOL) Bachelor of Health Sciences (Bhealsc)-maori Health Bachelor of Health Sciences (Bhealsc)-pacific and Global Health Bachelor of Health Sciences (Bhealsc)-public Health Bachelor of Health Sciences(Bhealsc)-community Health Care Bachelor of Laws with Honours(LLB(Hons)) Bachelor of Laws(LLB) Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science(BMLSC Bachelor of Medical Science with Honours(Bmedsc(Hons)) Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery(MB Chb) Bachelor of Music (MUSB)- Studio Production Bachelor of Music with Honours(MUSB( Hons)) Bachelor of Music(Musb)- Composition Bachelor of Music(MUSB)-performance Bachelor of Oral Health ( BOH)-dentistry Bachelor of Performing Arts(BPA) Bachelor of Pharmacy with Honours(Bpharm(Hons) Bachelor of Pharmacy(Bpharm Bachelor of Physical Education (Bphed)-professional Studies Bachelor of Physical Education with Honours(Bphed( Hons))-exercise and Sport Science Bachelor of Physical Education with Honours(Bphed( Hons))-physical Activity and Health Bachelor of Physical Education with Honours(Bphed( Hons))-professional Studies Bachelor of Physical Education with Honours(Bphed( Hons))-sport and Leisure Studies Bachelor of Physical Education(Bphed)-exercise and Sport Science Bachelor of Physical Education(Bphed)-physical Activity and Health Bachelor of Physical Education(Bphed)-sport and Leisure Studies Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Bphty Bachelor of Physiotherapy with Honours(Bphty(Hons) Bachelor of Radiation Therapy with Honours (BRT(Hons)) Bachelor of Radiation Therapy(BRD) Bachelor of Science (BSC)- Physics Bachelor of Science (BSC)-anatomy Bachelor of Science (BSC)-botany Bachelor of Science (BSC)-electronics Bachelor of Science (BSC)-neuroscience Bachelor of Science (BSC)-oceanography Bachelor of Science (BSC)-physiology Bachelor of Science (BSC)-plant Biotechnology Bachelor of Science (BSC)-surveying Bachelor of Science with Honours (BSC(Hons))-clothing and Textile Sciences Bachelor of Science with Honours (Bsc(Hons))-genetics Bachelor of Science with Honours (Bsc(Hons))-pharmacology Bachelor of Science with Honours (BSC(Hons))-statistics Bachelor of Science with Honours (BSC(Hons))-zoology Bachelor of Science with Honours (BSC(Hons)-ecology Bachelor of Science with Honours(BSC( Hons))-computer Science Bachelor of Science with Honours(BSC(Hons))-anatomy Bachelor of Science with Honours(BSC(Hons))-biochemistry Bachelor of Science with Honours(Bsc(Hons))-botany Bachelor of Science with Honours(BSC(Hons))-chemistry Bachelor of Science with Honours(BSC(Hons))-economics Bachelor of Science with Honours(Bsc(Hons))-electronics Bachelor of Science with Honours(BSC(Hons))-food Science Bachelor of Science with Honours(Bsc(Hons))-geography Bachelor of Science with Honours(BSC(Hons))-geology Bachelor of Science with Honours(BSC(Hons))-human Nutrition Bachelor of Science with Honours(BSC(Hons))-information Science Bachelor of Science with Honours(BSC(Hons))-microbiology Bachelor of Science with Honours(BSC(Hons))-neuroscience Bachelor of Science with Honours(BSC(Hons))-physics Bachelor of Science with Honours(BSC(Hons))-physiology Bachelor of Science with Honours(Bsc(Hons))-plant Biotechnology Bachelor of Science with Honours(BSC(Hons))-psychology Bachelor of Science with Honours(BSC(Hons)-mathematics Bachelor of Science(BSC)- Ecology Bachelor of Science(BSC)- Mathematics Bachelor of Science(BSC)- Zoology Bachelor of Science(BSC)-biochemistry Bachelor of Science(BSC)-chemistry Bachelor of Science(BSC)-computer Science Bachelor of Science(BSC)-economics Bachelor of Science(BSC)-energy Studies Bachelor of Science(BSC)-food Science Bachelor of Science(BSC)-genetics Bachelor of Science(BSC)-geography Bachelor of Science(BSC)-geology Bachelor of Science(BSC)-human Nutrition Bachelor of Science(BSC)-information Science Bachelor of Science(BSC)-land Planning and Development Bachelor of Science(BSC)-microbiology Bachelor of Science(BSC)-pharmacology Bachelor of Science(BSC)-psychology Bachelor of Science(BSC)-statistics Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) Bachelor of Social Work with Honours(BSW(Hons)) Bachelor of Surveying (Bsu Bachelor of Surveying with Honours(Bsurv(Hons)) Bachelor of Teaching (Btchg) endorsed in Te Pokai Matauranga o Te Ao Rua(Primary Bilingual Education Bachelor of Teaching(Btchg)endorsed in Early Childhood Education Bachelor of Teaching(Btchg)endorsed in Primary Education Bachelor of Theology (Btheol)-biblical Studies Bachelor of Theology (Btheol)-christian Thought and History Bachelor of Theology (Btheol)-pastoral Studies Bachelor of Theology with Honours(Btheol( Hons))-christian Thought and History Bachelor of Theology with Honours(Btheol(Hons))-biblical Studies Bachelor of Theology with Honours(Btheol(Hons))-pastoral Studies chelor of Arts(BA)-english Health Sciences First Year (BS lor of Arts(BA)-geography 13.81 25,109 新加坡元
奥塔哥大学 University of Otago 新西兰 认证 78 =217 201 230 351 303 10-100 硕士 测绘理学硕士 测绘硕士 初级卫生保健硕士 德语文学硕士 地理理学硕士 地理文学硕士 地理信息系统理学硕士 地理信息系统应用科学硕士 地球物理学理学硕士 地质学理学硕士 电影与媒体研究文学硕士 电子学理学硕士 电子学应用科学硕士 动物学理学硕士 毒理学理学硕士 法学硕士 法语文学硕士 分子生物技术应用科学硕士 服装及纺织科学应用科学硕士 服装与纺织科学理学硕士 高等教育硕士 公共卫生硕士 古典文学文学硕士 管理学商务硕士 管理学商业硕士 规划学硕士 国际贸易商务硕士 国际贸易商业硕士 国际商务硕士 国际研究硕士 海洋科学理学硕士 汉语文学硕士 航空医学检索与传输健科学硕士(惠灵顿校区) 航空医学检索与传輸硕士 航空医学硕士·职业医学 航空医学硕士・航空医学检索与传输 航空医学硕士航空医学 和平与冲突研究硕士 和平与冲突研究文学硕士(论文型) 护理科学硕士 化学理学硕士 环境管理理学硕士 环境管理应用科学硕士 环境科学理学硕士 会计学商务硕士 会计学商业硕士 计算机科学理学硕士 计算机科学文学硕士(论文型) 计算机科学应用科学硕士 计算模型理学硕士 计算模型应用科学硕士 健康科学硕士·临床护理(克赖撕特彻奇校区) 健康科学硕士-航空医学(惠灵顿校区) 健康科学硕士-护理(克赖斯特彻奇校区) 健康科学硕士肌肉骨骼管理(克赖斯特彻奇校区) 健康科学硕士健康管理(达尼丁、克赖斯特彻奇、惠灵顿校区) 健康科学硕士-康复学(惠灵顿校区 健康科学硕士-人类营养学(达尼丁校区) 健康科学硕士生物伦理学(达尼丁校区) 健康科学硕士-疼痛与痛管理(克赖斯特彻奇校区) 健康科学硕士心理健康(克赖斯特彻奇校区) 健康科学硕士-职业健康(达尼丁校区) 健康科学硕士-职业医学(惠灵顿校区) 教学硕士·敏育学 教学与学习硕士 教育学硕士 教育学文学硕士 解剖学理学硕士 金融商务硕士 金融学硕士 经济学理学硕士 经济学商务硕士 经济学商业硕士 经济学硕士 经济学文学硕士(论文型) 科学传播硕士 科学传播应用科学硕士 科学创新与企业应用科学硕士 科学领非小说创意写作应用科学硕士 科学社会应用科学硕士 科学与自然历史电影制作应用科学硕士 可持续商业硕士 口腔健康硕士-牙科学 口腔外科学硕士-牙科学 历史(文学硕士) 临床药学硕士·药学 旅行医学硕士 旅游商业硕士 旅游学硕士 毛利人研究文学硕士 毛利与本土企业硕士 枚师硕士 免疫学理学硕士 牧师学硕士 能源硏究理学硕士 全科医学硕士 人类学文学硕士 人类营养学理学硕士 认知科学理学硕士 日语文学硕士 软件工程应用科学硕士 商务数据科学硕士 社会学文学硕士 社会与社区工作硕士(应用 社区牙科硕士社区牙科 社区牙科硕士-牙科 神经系统科学理学硕士 神学硕士 生理学理学硕士 生态学理学硕士 生物工程理学硕士 生物工程应用科学硕士 生物化学理学硕士 生物伦理学与卫生法硕士-法学 生物伦理学与卫生法硕士-生物伦理学 食品科学理学硕士 市场营销硕士 数量遗传学应用科学硕士 数学理学硕士 数学文学硕士(论文型) 体育育硕士 体育运动营养学应用科学硕士 通信学应用科学硕士 通信研究文学硕士 统计学理学硕士 统计学文学硕士(论文型) 土著人发展文学硕士 土著研究硕士 微生物学理学硕士 微生物学应用科学硕士 舞蹈研究硕士 物理理学硕士 物理疗法硕士 西班牙语文学硕士 戏剧研究文学硕士 戏剧研究艺术硕士 消费者食品科学理学硕士 消费者食品科学应用科学硕士 心理学理学硕士 心理学文学硕士(论文型) 新兴技术法律硕士-法学 信息科学理学硕士 信息科学商务硕士 信息科学商业硕士 信忠科学文学硕士(论文型) 性別研究文学硕士 牙科技术硕士 牙科学硕士 眼科学硕士 药理学理学硕士 药学硕士 野生动物管理理学硕士 野生动物管理硕士 业硕士 医学成像硕士 医学实验室科学硕士 医学硕士 遗传学理学硕士 艺术历史与视党文化文学硕士 音乐硕士 音乐文学硕士 饮食学硕士 应用地质学应用科学硕士 英语(文学硕士) 营销管理商业硕士 幼儿与青少年研究文学硕士 语言学文学硕士 哲学(文学硕士) 哲学、政治与经济学文学硕士(课程型) 政治学硕士 政治学文学硕士(论文型) 职业医学硕士 植物生物技术理学硕士 植物生物技术应用科学硕士 植物学理学硕士 专业会计硕士・会计 宗教研究文学硕士 Master of Aeromedical Retrieval and Transport (MAERORD) Master of Applied Science (MAPPSC)- Computer Science Master of Applied Science (MAPPSC)- Plant Biotechnology Master of Applied Science (MAPPSC)- Science in Society Master of Applied Science (MAPPSC)- Telecommunications Master of Applied Science (MAPPSC)-bioengineering Master of Applied Science (Mappsc)-computational Modelling Master of Applied Science (Mappsc)-electronics Master of Applied Science (MAPPSC)-molecular Biotechnology Master of Applied Science(Mappsc)- Consumer Food Science Master of Applied Science(MAPPSC)- Microbiology Master of Applied Science(MAPPSC)- Quantitative Genetics Master of Applied Science(MAPPSC)- Science Communication Master of Applied Science(MAPPSC)- Software Engineering Master of Applied Science(MAPPSC)-applied Geology Master of Applied Science(Mappsc)-clothing and Textile Sciences Master of Applied Science(Mappsc)-creative Non-fiction Writing in Science Master of Applied Science(Mappsc)-environmental Management Master of Applied Science(MAPPSC)-geographic Information Systems Master of Applied Science(Mappsc)-science and Natural History Filmmaking Master of Applied Science(Mappsc)-science Innovation and Enterprise Master of Applied Science(Mappsc)-sport and Exercise Nutrition Master of Arts (MA)- Theatre Studies Master of Arts (MA)-childhood and Youth Studies Master of Arts (MA)-chinese Master of Arts (MA)-classics Master of Arts (MA)-communication Studies Master of Arts (MA)-history Master of Arts (MA)-maori Studies Master of Arts (N Anthropology Master of Arts (N Education Master of Arts (N Linguistics Master of Arts (N Sociology Master of Arts(MA)- Art History and Visual Culture Master of Arts(MA)- Computer Science (thesis only Master of Arts(MA)- Economics (thesis only Master of Arts(MA)- French Master of Arts(MA)- Geography Master of Arts(MA)- Information Science(thesis only Master of Arts(MA)- Mathematics (thesis only) Master of Arts(MA)- Peace and Conflict Studies(thesis only Master of Arts(MA)- Psychology(thesis only) Master of Arts(MA)- Spanish Master of Arts(MA)- Statistics(thesis only Master of Arts(MA)-enalish Master of Arts(MA)-FILM and Media Studies Master of Arts(MA)-gender Studies Master of Arts(MA)-german Master of Arts(MA)-indigenous Development/He Kura Matanui Master of Arts(MA)-japanese Master of Arts(MA)-MUSIT Master of Arts(MA)-philosophy Master of Arts(MA)-philosophy, Politics and Economics(coursework only) Master of Arts(MA)-politics (thesis only Master of Arts(MA)-religious Studies Master of Aviation Medicine(Mavmed)-aeromedical Retrieval and Transport Master of Aviation Medicine(Mavmed)-aviation Medicine Master of Aviation Medicine(Mavmed)-occupational Medicine Master of Bioethics and Health Law(MBHL)-bioethics Master of Bioethics and Health Law(MBHL)-LAW Master of Business Data Science(Mbusdatas Master of Business(MBUS)- International Busines Master of Business(MBUS)-accounting Master of Business(MBUS)-economics Master of Business(Mbus)-finance Master of Business(Mbus)-information Science Master of Business(Mbus)-management Master of Chaplaincy (Chap Master of Clinical Pharmacy(Mclinpharm)-pharmacy Master of Commerce (Mcom)-accounting Master of Commerce (Mcom)-marketing Management Master of Commerce(Com)-management Master of Commerce(Mcom)- International Business Master of Commerce(Mcom)-economics Master of Commerce(Mcom)-information Science Master of Commerce(Mcom)-tourism Master of Community Dentistry(Mcomdent)-community Dentistry Master of Community Dentistry(Mcomdent)-dentistry Master of Dance Studies (Mdancest Master of Dental Surgery(MDS)-dentistry Master of Dental Technology(Mdenttech Master of Dentistry (Mdent Master of Dietetics(Mdiet) Master of Economics(Mecon Master of Educatio Master of Emerging Technologies Law(METL)-LAW Master of Entrepreneurship(Mentr) Master of Finance(Mfinc Master of Fine Arts(MFA)- Theatre Studies Master of General Practice(MGP) Master of Health Sciences (Mhealsc)- Mental Health (Christchurch Master of Health Sciences (Mhealsc)-bioethics(Dunedin) Master of Health Sciences (Mhealsc)-health Management(Dunedin, Christchurch, Wellington) Master of Health Sciences (Mhealsc)-human Nutrition(Dunedin) Master of Health Sciences (Mhealsc)-musculoskeletal Management(Christchurch) Master of Health Sciences(Mhealsc)- Pain and Pain Management(Christchurch) Master of Health Sciences(Mhealsc)-aeromedical Retrieval and Transport (Wellington) Master of Health Sciences(Mhealsc)-aviation Medicine (Wellington) Master of Health Sciences(Mhealsc)-nursing ( Christchurch Master of Health Sciences(Mhealsc)-nursing-clinical (Christchurch Master of Health Sciences(Mhealsc)-occupational Health(Dunedin) Master of Health Sciences(Mhealsc)-occupational Medicine (Wellington) Master of Health Sciences(Mhealsc)-rehabilitation (ellington Master of Higher Education(MHED) Master of Indigenous Studies(Minds Master of International Business(Mintb Master of International Studies(Mintst) Master of Laws( LLM Master of Maori and Indigenous Business(MMALBUS Master of Marketing (Mmart Master of Medical Imaging (MMD) Master of Medical Laboratory Science(MMLSC Master of Medical Science(Mmedsc Master of Ministry(Mmin Master of Music Master of Nursing Science(MNSC Master of Occupational Medicine (Moccmed Master of Ophthalmology(Mophth) Master of Oral Health(MOH)-dentistry Master of Peace and Conflict Studies(MPCS) Master of Pharmacy (Mpharm Master of Physical Education(Mphed) Master of Physiotherapy(Mphty Master of Planning(Mplan) Master of Politics (Mpols Master of Primary Health Care(MPHC Master of Professional Accounting (Mprofacct)-accounting Master of Public Health (MPH) Master of Science (MSC)- Mathematics Master of Science (Msc)-chemistry Master of Science (MSC)-clothing and Textile Sciences Master of Science (MSC)-cognitive Science Master of Science (MSC)-computer Science Master of Science (Msc)-consumer Food Science Master of Science (MSC)-economics Master of Science (MSC)-electronics Master of Science (MSC)-energy Studies Master of Science (MSC)-environmental Management Master of Science (MSC)-environmental Science Master of Science (MSC)-food Science Master of Science (MSC)-genetics Master of Science (MSC)-geophysics Master of Science (MSC)-human Nutrition Master of Science (MSC)-information Science Master of Science (MSC)-marine Science Master of Science (MSC)-neuroscience Master of Science (MSC)-pharmacology Master of Science (MSC)-phvsics Master of Science (MSC)-plant Biotechnology Master of Science (MSC)-psychology Master of Science (Msc)-statistics Master of Science (MSC)-surveying Master of Science (MSC)-wildlife Management Master of Science (MSC)-zoology Master of Science Communication (Mscicomm Master of Science(MSC)-anatomy Master of Science(MSC)-biochemistry Master of Science(MSC)-bioengineering Master of Science(MSC)-botany Master of Science(MSC)-computational Modelling Master of Science(MSC)-ecology Master of Science(MSC)-geographic Information Systems Master of Science(MSC)-geography Master of Science(MSC)-geology Master of Science(MSC)-immunology Master of Science(MSC)-microbiology Master of Science(MSC)-physiology Master of Science(MSC)-toxicology Master of Social and Community Work (Applied)(MSCW(Applied) Master of Surveying (Surv Master of Sustainable Business(Msusbus) Master of Teaching (Mtchg)-education Master of Teaching and Learning(Mtchglt Master of Theology(Mtheol Master of Tourism(Mtoun) Master of Travel Medicine(Mtravmed Master of Wildlife Management(MWLM 17.32 31,500 新加坡元
奥塔哥大学 University of Otago 新西兰 认证 78 =217 201 230 351 303 10-100 博士 测绘研究型(哲学博士) 法学博士 法学研究型(哲学博士) 工商管理博士贸易 健康科学(哲学博士) 教育学博士 教育学研究型(哲学博士) 理学博士 理学研究型(哲学博士) 临床牙科学博士-牙科学 商业博士 商业研究型(哲学博士) 神学研究型(哲学博士) 体育教育研究型(哲学博士) 文学博士 物理疗法研究型(哲学博士) 牙科学博士-牙科学 牙科学研究型(哲学博士 药剂学研究型(哲学博士) 医学博士 医学研究型(哲学博士) 艺术与音乐研究型(哲学博士) 音乐博士 音乐艺术博士 音乐艺术博士-音乐 Doctor of Business Administration(DBA)-commerce Doctor of Clinical Dentistry(Dclindent)-dentistry Doctor of Commerce(Dcom Doctor of Dental Science(DDSC)-dentistry Doctor of Education(Edd Doctor of Laws(LLD) Doctor of Literature( Littd Doctor of Medicine (MD) Doctor of Music(MUSD) Doctor of Musical Arts(DMA) Doctor of Musical Arts(DMA)-MUSIC Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) - Education Doctor of Philosophy (PHD)-physical Education Doctor of Philosophy(PhD) - Science Doctor of Philosophy(PHD)- Commerce Doctor of Philosophy(PHD) Theology Doctor of Philosophy(PHD)-arts and Music Doctor of Philosophy(PHD)-dentistry Doctor of Philosophy(PHD)-health Sciences Doctor of Philosophy(PHD)-law Doctor of Philosophy(PHD)-medicine Doctor of Philosophy(PHD)-pharmacy Doctor of Philosophy(PHD)-physiotherapy Doctor of Philosophy(PHD)-surveying Doctor of Science(DSc) 16.63 30,233 新加坡元
奥克兰理工大学 Auckland University of Technology 新西兰 认证 117 =486 201 365 1057 684 100-200 EDU_TYPE_1 剑桥(英语作为第二外语)考试课程 剑桥第一英语课程 剑桥高级英语课程 通用英语 学术英语 雅思1级 雅思2级 Academic English Cambridge Cae Cambridge ESOL Examination Courses Cambridge Fce English for Academic Purpose General English IELTS Leve 2 IELTS Level 1
奥克兰理工大学 Auckland University of Technology 新西兰 认证 117 =486 201 365 1057 684 100-200 研究生证书/文凭 传媟硏究硏究生深造证书 地理信息科学研究生深造文凭 法学研究生深造证书 高级护理实践研究生深造证书 工程学研究生深造文凭 工程学研究生深造证书 工商管理(研究生深造文凭) 工商管理(研究生文凭 工商管理研究生深造证书 工商管理研究生证书 公共卫生学研究生深造文凭 公共卫生研究生深造证书 广告创意学研究生文凭 国际酒店管理研究生深造文凭 国际酒店管理研究生文凭 国际酒店管理硏究生深造证书 国际酒店管理硏究生证书 国际旅游管理研究生深造文凭 国际旅游管理研究生文凭 国际旅游管理研究生证书 国际旅游管理硏究生深造证书 计算机与信息科学研究生深造文凭 计算机与信息科学研究生深造证书 计算机与信息科学研究生文凭 计算机与信息科学研究生证书 健康科学研究生深造文凭 健康科学研究生深造证书 健康科学研究生文凭 健康科学研究生证书 教育领导力研究生深造证书 教育学研究生深造证书 教育学研究生文凭 康复心理学研究生深造文凭 理学研究生深造文凭·食品科学 理学研究生深造文凭·应用保护 理学研究生深造文凭・化学 理学研究生深造文凭・计算机与数学科学 理学研究生深造文凭-分子遗传学 理学研究生深造文凭环境科学 理学研究生深造文凭-微生物学 理学研究生深造文凭一生物医学 理学研究生深造证书 理学研究生深造证书-分析 理学研究生深造证书-分子遗传学 理学研究生深造证书-化学 理学研究生深造证书环境科学 理学研究生深造证书-生物医学 理学研究生深造证书-食品科学 理学研究生深造证书-数学教育 理学研究生深造证书-天文学 理学研究生深造证书-应用保护 理学研究生深造证书-应用概率论 理学研究生深造证书-应用数学 理学研究生文凭 理学研究生文凭·环境科学 理学研究生文凭·计算机科学 理学研究生文凭·健康保护 理学研究生文凭·食品安全 理学研究生文凭·食品科学 理学研究生文凭·应用保护 理学研究生文凭海洋生物学 理学研究生文凭-化学 理学研究生文凭解析学 理学研究生文凭-生物医学 理学研究生文凭-心理治疗研究 理学研究生文凭一地理空间科学 理学研究生文凭一微生物学 理学研究生文凭应用数学 理学研究生证书·环境科学 理学研究生证书-化学 理学研究生证书计算机科学 理学研究生证书-健康保护 理学研究生证书解析学 理学研究生证书-生物医学 理学研究生证书-食品安全 理学研究生证书-食品科学 理学研究生证书-天文学 理学研究生证书微生物学 理学研究生证书一地理空间科学 理学研究生证书一海洋生物学 理学研究生证书-应用保护 理学研究生证书-应用数学 理学硏究生深造文凭 理学硏究生深造证书-微生物学 烹饪法研究生深造文凭 烹饪法研究生深造证书 品牌传播研究生深造文凭 全球商务研究生深造文凭 商务研究研究生深造证书 商学深造文凭 市场营销研究生深造文凭 数学科学研究生文凭 数学科学研究生证书 体育训练(研究生文凭) 体育训练研究生深造证书 体育与训练研究生证书 天文学研究生文凭 通信硏究硏究生深造文凭 文化与创意实践研究生深造证书 文学研究生深造文凭 文学研究生深造证书 文学研究生文凭 文学研究生文凭笔译 文学研究生文凭-冲突解决 文学研究生文凭-创意写作 文学研究生文凭-犯罪学 文学研究生文凭-国际研究 文学研究生文凭经济学 文学研究生文凭-口译 文学研究生文凭-毛利发展与毛利媒体 文学研究生文凭-日本研究 文学研究生文凭-社会科学 文学研究生文凭-事件管理 文学研究生文凭-数育学 文学研究生文凭-心理学 文学研究生文凭-新西兰手语和人研究 文学研究生文凭-英语与新媒体研究 文学研究生文凭-中国研究 文学研究生证书笔译 文学研究生证书-冲突解决 文学研究生证书-创意写作 文学研究生证书-犯罪学 文学研究生证书-国际研究 文学研究生证书-经济学 文学研究生证书-口译 文学研究生证书-毛利发展与毛利媒体 文学研究生证书-日本研究 文学研究生证书-社会科学 文学研究生证书-事件管理 文学研究生证书-数育学 文学研究生证书-心理学 文学研究生证书-新西兰手语和人研究 文学研究生证书-英语与新媒体硏究 文学研究生证书-中国研究 医学实验室科学硕士后深造文凭 医学实验室科学硏究生深造证书 应急管理研究生深造文凭 应急管理研究生深造证书 应用金融研究生深造文凭 运动与锻炼研究生深造文凭 中等教育教学研究生文凭 注册护士处方研究生深造文凭 专业会计学健康科学研究生深造证书 专业会计学硕士后深造文凭 咨询心理学硏究生深造文凭 Graduate Certificate in Arts- Creative Writing Graduate Certificate in Arts- Education Graduate Certificate in Arts- Interpreting Graduate Certificate in Arts- Japanese Studies Graduate Certificate in Arts- Maori Development and Maori Media Graduate Certificate in Arts Sign Language and Deaf Studies Graduate Certificate in Arts-chinese Studies Graduate Certificate in Arts-conflict Resolution Graduate Certificate in Arts-criminology Graduate Certificate in Arts-economics Graduate Certificate in Arts-english and New Media Studies Graduate Certificate in Arts-event Management Graduate Certificate in Arts-international Studies Graduate Certificate in Arts-psychology Graduate Certificate in Arts-social Sciences Graduate Certificate in Arts-translation Graduate Certificate in Business Graduate Certificate in Computer and Information Sciences Graduate Certificate in International Hospitality Management Graduate Certificate in International Tourism Management Graduate Certificate in Mathematical Science Graduate Certificate in Science- Astronomy Graduate Certificate in Science- Chemistry Graduate Certificate in Science- Food Safety Graduate Certificate in Science- Food Science Graduate Certificate in Science- Health Protection Graduate Certificate in Science- Marine Biology Graduate Certificate in Science- Microbiology Graduate Certificate in Science-analytics Graduate Certificate in Science-applied Conservation Graduate Certificate in Science-applied Mathematics Graduate Certificate in Science-biomedical Science Graduate Certificate in Science-computer Science Graduate Certificate in Science-environmental Sciences Graduate Certificate in Science-geospatial Science Graduate Certificate in Sport and Exercise Graduate Diploma in Advertising Creativity Graduate Diploma in Arts Graduate Diploma in Arts- Education Graduate Diploma in Arts- Interpreting Graduate Diploma in Arts- Maori Development and Maori Media Graduate Diploma in Arts- NZ Sign Language and Deaf Studies Graduate Diploma in Arts- Translation Graduate Diploma in Arts-chinese Studies Graduate Diploma in Arts-conflict Resolution Graduate Diploma in Arts-creative Writing Graduate Diploma in Arts-criminology Graduate Diploma in Arts-economics Graduate Diploma in Arts-enalish and New Media Studies Graduate Diploma in Arts-event Management Graduate Diploma in Arts-international Studies Graduate Diploma in Arts-japanese Studies Graduate Diploma in Arts-psychology Graduate Diploma in Arts-social Sciences Graduate Diploma in Business Graduate Diploma in Computer and Information Sciences Graduate Diploma in International Hospitality Management Graduate Diploma in International Tourism Management Graduate Diploma in Mathematical Sciences Graduate Diploma in Psychotherapy Studies Graduate Diploma in Science Graduate Diploma in Science- Biomedical Science Graduate Diploma in Science- Computer Science Graduate Diploma in Science- Food Science Graduate Diploma in Science-analytics Graduate Diploma in Science-applied Conservation Graduate Diploma in Science-applied Mathematics Graduate Diploma in Science-astronomy Graduate Diploma in Science-chemistry Graduate Diploma in Science-environmental Sciences Graduate Diploma in Science-food Safety Graduate Diploma in Science-geospatial Science Graduate Diploma in Science-health Protection Graduate Diploma in Science-marine Biology Graduate Diploma in Science-microbiology Graduate Diploma in Secondary Teaching Graduate Diploma in Sport and Exercise Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Nursing Practice Postgraduate Certificate in Arts Postgraduate Certificate in Business Postgraduate Certificate in Business Administration Postgraduate Certificate in Business Studies Postgraduate Certificate in Communication Studies Postgraduate Certificate in Computer and Information Sciences Postgraduate Certificate in Cultural and Creative Practice Postgraduate Certificate in Education Postgraduate Certificate in Educational Leadership Postgraduate Certificate in Emergency Management Postgraduate Certificate in Engineering Postgraduate Certificate in Gastronomy Postgraduate Certificate in Health Science Postgraduate Certificate in International Hospitality Management Postgraduate Certificate in International Tourism Management Postgraduate Certificate in Law Postgraduate Certificate in Medical Laboratory Science Postgraduate Certificate in Professional Accounting Postgraduate Certificate in Public Health Postgraduate Certificate in Science Postgraduate Certificate in Science-anaytics Postgraduate Certificate in Science-applied Conservation Postgraduate Certificate in Science-applied mathematics Postgraduate Certificate in Science-applied Probabilit Postgraduate Certificate in Science-astronomy Postgraduate Certificate in Science-biomedical Science Postgraduate Certificate in Science-chemistry Postgraduate Certificate in Science-environmental Science Postgraduate Certificate in Science-food science Postgraduate Certificate in Science-mathematics Education Postgraduate Certificate in Science-microbiology Postgraduate Certificate in Science-molecular genetics Postgraduate Certificate in Sport and Exercise Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Finance Postgraduate Diploma in Arts Postgraduate Diploma in Brand Communication Postgraduate Diploma in Busines Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration Postgraduate Diploma in Communication Studies Postgraduate Diploma in Computer and Information Science Postgraduate Diploma in Counselling Psychology Postgraduate Diploma in Education Postgraduate Diploma in Emergency Management Postgraduate Diploma in Engineering Postgraduate Diploma in Gastronomy Postgraduate Diploma in Geographic Information Science Postgraduate Diploma in Global Business Postgraduate Diploma in Health Science Postgraduate Diploma in International Hospitality Management Postgraduate Diploma in International Tourism Management Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing Postgraduate Diploma in Medical Laboratory Science Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Accounting Postgraduate Diploma in Public Health Postgraduate Diploma in Registered Nurse Prescribing Postgraduate Diploma in Rehabilitation Psychology Postgraduate Diploma in Science Postgraduate Diploma in Science- Biomedical Science Postgraduate Diploma in Science- Chemistry Postgraduate Diploma in Science- Microbiology Postgraduate Diploma in Science-applied Conservation Postgraduate Diploma in Science-computer and Mathematical Sciences Postgraduate Diploma in Science-environmental Science Postgraduate Diploma in Science-food Science Postgraduate Diploma in Science-molecular genetics Postgraduate Diploma in Sport and Exercise raduate Certificate in Health Science raduate Diploma in Health Science 15.60 28,365 新加坡元
奥克兰理工大学 Auckland University of Technology 新西兰 认证 117 =486 201 365 1057 684 100-200 预科 奥克兰预科 大学学习技能预科证书 代数预科证书 高等教育学术英语预科证书 宏观经济学预科证书 化学预科证书-无机化学 设计工作室预科证书 生物学预科证书-细胞生物学与能量学 生物学预科证书有机体与其环境 素描预科证书 统计学预科证书 微观经济学预科证书 微积分预科证书 文化与社会预科证书 物理学预科证书-动力学与交流电 物理学预科证书一静力学与直流电 英语与英语顸科证书 预科证书-会计与会计I Auckland Foundation Year Certificate in Foundation Studies- Macroeconomics Certificate in Foundation Studies- Microeconomics Certificate in foundation studies- Statistics Certificate in Foundation Studies-academic English for Tertiary Study Certificate in foundation studies-accounting I and II Certificate in foundation studies-alaebra Certificate in foundation studies-biology -Cell Biology and Energetics Certificate in foundation studies-biology-organisms and the Environment Certificate in foundation studies-calculu Certificate in foundation studies-chemistry-inorgat mistry Certificate in foundation studies-culture and Society Certificate in foundation studies-desian Studio Certificate in foundation studies-drawind Certificate in foundation studies-english I and English Il Certificate in foundation studies-physics-dynamics and AC Electricity Certificate in foundation studies-physics-statics and DC Electricity Certificate in foundation studies-tertiary Study Skills 9.90 18,000 新加坡元
奥克兰理工大学 Auckland University of Technology 新西兰 认证 117 =486 201 365 1057 684 100-200 证书/专科 法律研究证书 糕点制作法文凭 工商管理证书 汉语文凭 教育证书(特色) 京饪艺术文凭 酒店与旅游管理证书 救护科学文凭 科学与技术证书 科学与技术证书-工程学 科学与技术证书-计算技术 科学与技术证书-设计技术(只南校区提供) 科学与技术证书-数学 口译与等译文凭 日语文凭 商务研究证书 社会科学证书 实用糕点制作法证书 学术研究英语证书 应用科学文凭 应用科学证书 英语语言文凭 英语语言证书 运动与休闲证书 运动与娱乐证书(健康基础入「门) Certificate in [Specialty) Education Certificate in Applied Science Certificate in Business Certificate in Business Studies Certificate in English for Academic Stud Certificate in English Language Certificate in Hospitality and Tourism Certificate in Legal Studies Certificate in Practical Patisserie Certificate in Science and Technology Certificate in Science and Technology -Computing Certificate in Science and Technology- Mathematics Certificate in Science and Technology-design Technologies(South Campus only Certificate in Science and Technology-engineering Certificate in Social Sciences Certificate in Sport and Recreation Certificate in Sport and Recreation(foundation health pathway) Diploma in Applied Science Diploma in Chinese Diploma in Culinary Arts Diploma in English Language Diploma in Interpreting and Translation Diploma in Japanese Diploma in Paramedic Science Diploma in Patisserie 15.60 28,365 新加坡元
奥克兰理工大学 Auckland University of Technology 新西兰 认证 117 =486 201 365 1057 684 100-200 本科 冲突解决文学学士 传播学荣誉学士 创业与创新商学学士 创意产业传播学学士 创意技术荣誉学士 创意技术学士 地理空闫科学理学学士 电气与电子工程荣誉工程学士 电视与银屏制作传播学学士 法学荣誉学士 法学学士 翻译文学学士 犯罪学文学学士 分析学理学学士 工程技术学士·机械工程 工程技术学士・计算机与移动系统工程 工程技术学士-电气工程 工程技术学士-电子工程 工程技术学士建筑服务工程 工程技术学士-建筑工程 工程技术学士网络与通信工程 工程荣誉学士海事工程 工程荣誉学士-建筑工程 工程荣誉学士建筑工程学 公共关系传播学学士 管理学商学荣詟学士 广告创意学传播学学士 国际贺易商学荣誉学士 国际酒店管理学士・市场营销 国际酒店管理学士活动管理 国际酒店管理学士旅行管理 国际酒店管理学士-目的地管理 国际酒店管理学士-人力资源管理 国际酒店管理学士-食品与饮料 国际酒店管理学士一旅游 国际酒店管理学士-住宿 国际商务商学学士 国际研究文学学士 海洋生物学理学学士 汉语研究文学学士 化学(理学学士) 环境科学理学学士 会计学商学荣誉学士 活动管理文学学士 机电一体化工程荣詟工程学士 机械工程荣誉工程学士 计算机科学(理学学士) 计算机与信怠科学学士-计算机科学 计算机与信息科学荣誉学士 计算机与信息科学学士・计算智能 计算机与信息科学学士・软件开发 计算机与信息科学学士-解析学 计算机与信息科学学士网络与安全 计算机与信息科学学士-信息技术服务科学 健康促进理学学士 健康科学荣誉学士 健康科学学士 健康科学学士・个案管理 健康科学学士・老年人护理管理 健康科学学士・物理疗法 健康科学学士・心理学 健康科学学士-产科学 健康科学学士-辅助医疗学 健康科学学士护理学 健康科学学士-健康促进 健康科学学士健康管理 健康科学学士-口腔卫生 健康科学学士-职业疗法 健康科学学士咨询学 健康科学学士足病学 教育学士(特色教学)-太平洋岛民初级教学 教育学士(特色教学)-太平洋岛民儿童早期教学 教育学士(特色教学)主流初级教学 教育学士(特色教学)-主流儿童早期教学 教育学文学荣誉学士 教育学文学学士 金融商学荣詟学士 金融商学学士 京饪艺术文学学士 经济学(文学学士) 经济学商学荣誉学士 经济学商学学士 空间设计设计学士 口译文学学士 毛利发展文学学士 毛利人发展学士毛利媒体 人类学理学学士 人力姿源管理与雇佣关系商学荣誉学士 人力姿源管理与雇佣关系商学学士 日语研究文学学士 荣誉理学学士 软件工程荣誉工程学士 商务信息系统商学荣詟学士 商务信息系统商学学士 商学学士管理学 商学学士-会计学 商学学士-可持续企业 商学学士与传播学学土联合学位 商学学士与国际酒店管理学士联合学位 商学学士与计算机信息科学学士联合学位 商学学士与健康科学(心理学)学士联合学位 商学学士与理学学土联合学位 设计商学学士 设计学士-传播设计 设计学士-纺织品设计 设计学士-工业设计 设计学士-时装设计 社会科学文学荣誉学士 社会科学文学学士 生物医学科学理学学士 食品安全理学学士 食品科学理学学士 市场洞力(市场营销、广告、零售、销售)商学学士 市场营销荣詟商学学士 视觉艺术学士 数学科学学士・计算机科学 数学科学学士解析学 数学科学学士-天文学 数学科学学士应用数学 数字化设计设计学士 数字媒体传播学学士 体育与休闲管理商学荣誉学士 体育与休闲荣誉学士 体育与休闲学士・体育与运动科学 体育与休闲学士-管理学 体育与休闲学士-户外教育 体育与休闲学士-健康与体育教育 体育与休闲学士体育训练与营养学 体育与休闲学士一-教练 微生物学理学学士 文学学士-创意写作 文学学士与计算机信息科学学士联合学位 文学学士与商学学士联合学位 无线电传播学学士 心理学(文学学士) 心理学文学荣誉学士 新闻学传播学学士 新西兰手语文学学士·英语口译 新西兰手语与葺人研究文学学士 医学实验室科学学士 艺术与设计荣誉学士 应用保护理学学士 应用数学理学学士 应用语言研究文学荣誉学士 英语与新媒体研究文学学士 Bachelor of Art and Design(Honours) Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Business Conjoint Programmes Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Computer and Information Sciences Conjoint Programmes Bachelor of Arts- Chinese studies Bachelor of Arts- Conflict Resolution Bachelor of Arts- Economics Bachelor of Arts- Education Bachelor of Arts in Economics Bachelor of Arts- International Studie Bachelor of Arts -Interpreting Bachelor of Arts -Japanese studies Bachelor of Arts- Social Sciences Bachelor of Arts- Translation Bachelor of Arts( Honours)-applied Language Studies Bachelor of Arts( Honours)-psychology Bachelor of Arts(Honours)- Education Bachelor of Arts(Honours)- Social Sciences Bachelor of Arts-creative Writing Bachelor of Arts-criminology Bachelor of Arts-culinary Arts Bachelor of Arts-enalish and New Media Studies Bachelor of Arts-event Management Bachelor of Arts-maori Development Bachelor of Arts-new Zealand Sign Language and Deaf Studies Bachelor of Arts-new Zealand Sign Language-english Interpreting Bachelor of Arts-psychology Bachelor of Business (Honours)- Marketing Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Communication Studies Conjoint Programmes Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Computer and Information Sciences Conjoint Programmes Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Health Science(Psychology)Conjoint Programmes Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of International Hospitality Management Conjoint Programmes Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Science Conjoint Programmes Bachelor of Business( Honours)-accounting Bachelor of Business(Honours)- Economics Bachelor of Business(Honours)- Finance Bachelor of Business(Honours)- International Business Bachelor of Business(Honours)- Management Bachelor of Business(Honours) ness Information Svst Bachelor of Business(Honours)- Sport and Recreation Management Bachelor of Business(Honours)-human Resource Management and Employment Relations Bachelor of Business-accounting Bachelor of Business-business Information Systems Bachelor of Business-desian Bachelor of Business-economics Bachelor of Business-entrepreneurship and Innovation Bachelor of Business-finance Bachelor of Business-human Resource Management and Employment Relations Bachelor of Business-international Business Bachelor of Business-manaaement Bachelor of Business-market Insights: Marketing, Advertising, Retailing, Sale Bachelor of Business-sustainable Enterprise Bachelor of Communication Studies- Creative Industries Bachelor of Communication Studies- Journalism Bachelor of Communication Studies- Public Relation Bachelor of Communication Studies- Radio Bachelor of Communication Studies( Honours) Bachelor of Communication Studies-advertising Creativity Bachelor of Communication Studies-diaital Media Bachelor of Communication Studies-television and Screen Production Bachelor of Computer and Information Sciences( Honours Bachelor of Computer and Information Sciences-analytics Bachelor of Computer and Information Sciences-computational Intelligen Bachelor of Computer and Information Sciences-computer Science Bachelor of Computer and Information Sciences-it Service Science Bachelor of Computer and Information Sciences-networks and Security Bachelor of Computer and Information Sciences-software Development Bachelor of Creative Technologies Bachelor of Creative Technologies( Honours) Bachelor of Desian- Fashion Desian Bachelor of Desian- Industrial Desia Bachelor of Desian- Textile Desian Bachelor of Design- Communication Design Bachelor of Design- Digital Design Bachelor of Design-spatial Desigr Bachelor of Education (Specialty) Teaching)-mainstream Early Childhood Teaching Bachelor of Education (Specialty) Teaching)-pasifika Early Childhood Teaching Bachelor of Education((Specialty Teaching)-mainstream Primary Teaching Bachelor of Education((Specialty) Teaching)-pasifika Primary Teaching Bachelor of Engineering ( Honours)-mechanical Engineering Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)-maritime Engineering Bachelor of Engineering Technology -Building Engineering Bachelor of Engineering Technology- Network and Communication Engineering Bachelor of Engineering Technology-building Services Engineering Bachelor of Engineering Technology-computer and Mobile Systems Engineering Bachelor of Engineering Technology-electrical Engineering Bachelor of Engineering Technology-electronic Engineering Bachelor of Engineering Technology-mechanical Engineering Bachelor of Engineering( Honours)-architectural Engineering Bachelor of Engineering( Honours)-construction Engineering Bachelor of Engineering( Honours)-electrical and Electronic Engineering Bachelor of Engineering( Honours)-mechatronics Engineering Bachelor of Engineering( Honours)-software Engineering Bachelor of Health Science Bachelor of Health Science- Health Administration Bachelor of Health Science- Paramedicine Bachelor of Health Science( Honours) Bachelor of Health Science(Midwifery) Bachelor of Health Science(Nursing) Bachelor of Health Science(Occupational Therapy Bachelor of Health Science(Oral Health Bachelor of Health Science(Physiotherapy Bachelor of Health Science(Podiatry) Bachelor of Health Science-case Management Bachelor of Health Science-counselling Bachelor of Health Science-health promotion Bachelor of Health Science-managing Care of the Older Person Bachelor of Health Science-psychology Bachelor of International Hospitality Management- Food and Beverag Bachelor of International Hospitality Management- Tourism Bachelor of International Hospitality Management-accommodation Bachelor of International Hospitality Management-event Management Bachelor of International Hospitality Management-human Resource Management Bachelor of International Hospitality Management-marketing Bachelor of International Tourism Management- Travel Manageme Bachelor of International Tourism Management-destination Management Bachelor of Laws Bachelor of Laws(Honours Bachelor of Maori Development-maori Media Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences-analvtics Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences-applied Mathematics Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences-astronomy Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences-computer Science Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science Bachelor of Science- Astronomy Bachelor of Science- Biomedical Science Bachelor of Science- Chemistry Bachelor of Science- Computer Science Bachelor of Science- Environmental Science Bachelor of Science- Food Science Bachelor of Science- Health Protection Bachelor of Science- Marine Biology Bachelor of Science- Microbiology Bachelor of Science(Honours Bachelor of Science-analvtics Bachelor of Science-applied Conservation Bachelor of Science-applied Mathematics Bachelor of Science-food Safety Bachelor of Science-geospatial Science Bachelor of Sport and Recreation ( Honours) Bachelor of Sport and Recreation- Management Bachelor of Sport and Recreation-coaching Bachelor of Sport and Recreation-exercise Science and Nutrition Bachelor of Sport and Recreation-health and Physical Education Bachelor of Sport and Recreation-outdoor Education Bachelor of Sport and Recreation-sport and Exercise Science Bachelor of Visual Arts 15.60 28,365 新加坡元
奥克兰理工大学 Auckland University of Technology 新西兰 认证 117 =486 201 365 1057 684 100-200 硕士 传媟硏究哲学硕士 创意技术硕士 创意技术哲学硕士 创意写作硕士 地理信息科学硕士 法学硕士 法学哲学硕士 分子遗传学理学硕士 工程学、计算机与数学科学哲学硕士 工程学硕士 公共卫生硕士 国际酒店管理硕士 国际旅游管理硕士 化学理学硕士 环境科学理学硕士 会计学商学硕士 计算机与数学科学理学硕士 计算机与信息科学硕士 健康科学硕士·高级护理实践 健康科学硕士・心理学 健康科学哲学硕士 健康实践硕士·产科学(南校区) 健康实践硕士暴力和创伤研究(北校区) 健康实践硕士-儿童保健(北校区) 健康实践硕士-儿童保健(南校区) 健康实践硕士-护理(北校区) 健康实践硕士-肌肉骨骼理疗(北校区) 健康实践硕士-康复学(北校区) 健康实践硕士毛利族健康(北校区) 健康实践硕士-心理健康与成瘾行为(北校区) 健康实践硕士-心理治疗实践(北校区) 健康实践硕士一辅助医疗学(南校区) 健康实践硕士-针灸(北校区) 教学与学习硕士(小学) 教育领导学硕士 教育实践硕士 教育学硕士 教育学哲学硕士 解析学硕士 金融商学硕士 经济学商学硕士 酒店、旅游与事件哲学硕士 理学研究硕士·分子遗传学 理学研究硕士·环境科学 理学研究硕士·食品科学 理学研究硕士・计算机与数学科学 理学研究硕士化学 理学研究硕士一微生物学 理学哲学硕士 毛利人发展文学硕士 毛利与本土发展哲学硕士 面向服务计算硕士 烹饪法硕士 全球商务硕士 人力姿源管理与雇佣关系 人权研究硕士 商务信息系统商学硕士 商务与经济学哲学硕士 商学硕士·管理学 商学硕士·国际贸易 设计硕士 社会科学与公共政策哲学硕士 生物医学科学理学硕士 生物医学理学研究硕士 施工管理硕士 食品科学理学硕士 市场营销商学硕士 市场营销硕士 视觉艺术硕士 体育与休闲管理商学硕士 通信硏究硕士 微生物学理学硕士 文化与创意实践硕士 项目管理学工程硕士 心理治疗硕士 心理治疗硕士・儿童与青少年心理疗法 信息安全与数字取证硕士 硏究型理学硕士 医疗信怠学硕士 医学实验室科学硕士 艺术与设计哲学硕士 应急管理硕士 应用保护理学硕士 应用保护理学研究硕士 应用金融学硕士 应用语言研究文学硕士 英语与新媒体研究硕士 语言与文化哲学硕士 运动和休闲哲学硕士 运动与锻炼硕士 专业会计硕士 专业语言研究硕士・语言教学 Master of Analytics Master of Applied Finance Master of Arts- Maori Development Master of Arts-applied Language Studies Master of Business- Economics Master of Business- Finance Master of Business- International Business Master of Business- Sport and Recreation Management Master of Business-accounting Master of Business-business Information Systems Master of Business-human Resource Management and Employment Relations Master of Business-manaaement Master of Business-marketing Master of Communication Studies Master of Computer and Information Sciences Master of Construction Management Master of Creative Technologies Master of Creative Writing Master of Cultural and Creative Practice Master of Desian Master of Education Master of Education Practice Master of Educational Leadership Master of Emergency Management Master of Engineering Master of Engineering Proiect Managemen Master of English and New Media Studies Master of Gastronomy Master of Geoaraphic Information Science Master of Global Business Master of Health Informatics Master of Health Practice- Rehabilitation(North Camp Master of Health Practice-acupuncture(North Campus Master of Health Practice-child Health(North Campus) Master of Health Practice-child Health(South Campus) Master of Health Practice-maori Health(North Campus) Master of Health Practice-mental Health and Addictions(North Campus) Master of Health Practice-midwifery(South Campus) Master of Health Practice-musculoskeletal Physiotherapy(North Campus) Master of Health Practice-nursing (North Campus) Master of Health Practice-paramedicine (South Campus) Master of Health Practice-psychotherapy Practice(North Campus) Master of Health Practice-violence and Trauma Studies(North Campus) Master of Health Science-advanced Nursing Practice Master of Health Science-psychology Master of Human Rights Master of Information Security and Digital Forensics Master of International Hospitality Management Master of International Tourism Management Master of Laws Master of Marketing Master of Medical Laboratory Science Master of Philosophy -Art and Design Master of Philosophy -Business and Economics Master of Philosophy -Communication Studies Master of Philosophy -Creative Technologies Master of Philosophy -Education Master of Philosophy- Engineering, Computer and Mathematical Sciences Master of Philosophy -Health Science Master of Philosophy -Hospitality, Tourism and Events Master of Philosophy -Language and Culture Master of Philosophy -Law Master of Philosophy -Sport and Recreation Master of Philosophy- Te Ara Poutama: Maori and Indigenous Development Master of Philosophy-science Master of Philosophy-social Sciences and Public Policy Master of Professional Accounting Master of Professional Language Studies-language Teaching Master of Psychotherapy Master of Psychotherapy (Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy) Master of Public Health Master of Science (Research)-applied Conservation Master of Science (Research)-biomedical Science Master of Science (Research)-chemistry Master of Science (Research)-computer and Mathematical Sciences Master of Science (Research)-environmental Sci Master of Science (Research)-food Science Master of Science (Research)-microbiology Master of Science- Biomedical Science Master of Science- Environmental Science Master of Science- Food Science Master of Science- Microbiology Master of Science- Molecular Genetics Master of Science(Research) Master of Science(Research)- Molecular Genetics Master of Science-applied Conservation Master of Science-chemistry Master of Science-computer and Mathematical Sciences Master of Service-oriented Computing Master of Sport and Exercise Master of Teaching and Learning(Primary Master of Visual Arts 3.71 6,750 新加坡元
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